The pages that follow are dedicated to Silk
Stalkings, Sliders, Marvin The Martian, and Ned and Stacey. I've included links
to some of the other pages that are dedicated to the same subjects. If you like
Silk Stalkings, Sliders, Marvin The Martian, and Ned and Stacey; then this page
is for you. Go ahead and check out those other cool pages. Bookmark this page
so that it's easier for you to return here. And Remember to have fun.
You are visitor #since October 26, 1996. This page last edited on August 20, 2007. NOTE: This page is an unofficial dedication to these shows. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions please write me.
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We laughed until our cheeks were tight We laughed until our stomachs roared If we could only stop we might Remember what we're laughing for. Author~~Unknown
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