
The Perfect Guy Test!!!

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If you have been to my page before, well, you know that I've always had a perfect guy test on it...This is what I meant by you'll find out in my bio under turn-ons...If you've never been here...Well, now you know....

~*~*~*Perfect Guy Test*~*~*~

Part I
  1. Are you just into sex and are a perfect Perv???
    A) NO! NOT AT ALL. I'm offended by that question! B) Not really C) YES! Whatelse is there to do on the net??? (be truthful)
  2. If Lucy fell would you:
    A) Catch her B) Pick her up and dust her off C) Laugh hysterically, even if she was in acoma
  3. How many times have you said, "I love you" (I love you meaning "I love you as a life long partener" not as a best-friend)?
    A) 0-2 B) 3-5 C) 6 +
  4. How many of those 'I love you's' were really meant?
    A) all of them B) most of them C) None (are you crazy? Admit that I have emotions?)
  5. Your sense of humor involves:
    A) sense of humor does not exist on my planet B) Clever jokes C) perverted inuendos
  6. You think it's all right to cry:
    A) All the time B) special occasions C) NEVER (real men don't cry!)

    (if you answered b, explain via guestbook)

  7. Your idea of a romantic date is:
    A) A nice picnic on the beach while watching the sunset B) Dinner and a movie C) Her watching you play football with your friends (something macho)
  8. You would go skydiving with:
    A) SKYDIVING! ME? NEVER B) A parachute (???) C) A thin sheet with dozens of holes (just for the thrill of seeing you're life flash before your eyes)

    The next ones are easy....

  9. Pick a number
    A)9 B)6 C)69
  10. Pick a letter
    A)T B)M C)Didn't I just do that?
  11. Pick a month
    A)Febuary B)April C)December

Mostly A'sMostly B'sMostly C's
You're a nice guy! You definitely should go on and sign my guestbook! You're quite a possibility! Go on! I'd really like to get to know you better. Sign my guestbook. I'm sure no one landed here. But if so, no offense, you're a loser. We can still be friends, though.

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Any information that I forgot to put on my page or anything that would add to my page, please tell me! As you can see, I'm still trying to learn how to put a background on my page, although I have learned some more HTML (be proud of me). N/E way sign my guestbook and let me know what you thought.

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Goodbye please come again! *Love and Kisses*


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Last chance to tell me what you think


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