While I do try to make the ring as user-friendly and free form as possible, there is always the need for a few rules in any organized grouping. So, naturally, there are a few rules and regulations that members of this Ring must adhere to:

  • As of 3-3-99, all new sites applying for entrance into the SJROT MUST be a Sailorjupiter shrine or mini-shrine. No General SM pages are allowed into the Ring. If a Shrine is included within a larger General SM site, then the Shrine may join on the condition that the ring links to the Shrine itself, and not the General SM site.
  • There will be absolutely, POSITIVELY, NO HENTAI or PERVERSE SITES IN THIS RING! Any member of the ring that is asked to add a site will screen it first to be sure that it is a "clean" site before they add it. Any hentai material that is found to be added after you are a member of the ring must be removed upon warning or you will be removed from the ring. We want this ring to be accessible to all ages, so please, KEEP IT CLEAN!
  • Any site applying for membership in the SJROT are required to have actual content within the site. No site will be admitted without content.
  • There should also be no material promoting hate on the pages in the Ring. This means not even hate against a Sailor Jupiter basher, or even another Sailor Senshi! We know you like Mako-chan, but there's no reason to get up in arms about it!
Beyond these rules, your sites can be as individual as you are. Believe me, I don't WANT to kick everyone out of the Ring, but I posted these rules for good reason. I hope you will all respect them. Thanks!

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