and welcome to Savage Universe, the newest Savage Garden
fan site to hit the web. In lieu of the dozens of other SG sites in existence,
I was determined to create a unique, colorful tribute to this talented
duo. The site's title incorporates the band's name and one of my favorite
songs on their debut album, Universe.
Universe, like many other SG web dedications, offers a group biography,
discography, links, and multimedia. SU stands apart from the pack by offering
the SU Messageboard, Chat, and Mailing List. You can also post a virtual
letter to the duo in "Dear Darren" and "Dear Daniel", or
send a friend a Savage Garden webcard. And, for all you fellow SG webmasters
out there, you can join the Hayes Banner Exchange and the Ring
Around Darren. I hope you enjoy your visit!
Nelson, Savage Universe Webmistress
We're not quite up and running yet, so the imagemap above is useless. Not
to worry - everything will be in ship shape by the end of next week. Thank
you for your patience, and stop by throughout the week for updates! The
Ring Around Darren Homepage is up and running... |
Please don't forget to register your feedback!!! Tell us what you thought
of Savage Universe by dropping
us an email, by signing the Savage Universe Logbook, or by filling
out our feedback form. If you've already signed the Savage Universe Logbook,
you can check out what everyone else said by viewing it. Thanks for visiting,
and come back soon! |
Savage Universe was created and is maintained by Courtney Nelson as a fan
dedication only. We are not endorsed by Savage Garden or Columbia Records.
All images and multimedia was reposted in accordance with the Fair Use
Act in the US Copyright Law. No copyright infringment intended. All graphics
and original art are copyright 1998 Nelson Creations, and may not be posted,
edited, reproduced, or modified in any way without express permission.
All rights reserved. |