*********************************************************** FSC THE DEMON IN THE WITCH-HOUSE Part 1: The mysterious thing sleeping in the garret... *********************************************************** It was an apparently normal day in net.Tokyo. Almost all the members of FSC were at school. Eudial and Silver were out for a date while the other witches had chosen that day to go shopping. Eugeal instead was at home, forced to stay at bed by a bad cold. She sighed, closed the huge book she was reading ("1001 Cunning Planes to Take Over a Planet") and threw it out of the window. She heard a scream and a crash and sweatdropped. After a few seconds a pretty battered Hiryu floated in the room from the window. He landed on Eugeal's lap and looked at the witch. "Hey, darling, why are you throwing huge books out of the window, right on poor neko-sayan's heads?" She sighed. "I'm bored, bored, bored. No one is around, I read all the books at home and my Internet server is down!" Hiryu smiled at her. "I'm here now!" "But you shouldn't. I don't want you to get a cold too..." The little alien hugged her. "Don't worry Eugy, I can't get a human cold. That's one of the advantages of being an alien! So, what are we going to do?" Eugeal smiled and took a console. "What about playing videogames?" Hiryu happily nodded and grabbed a joypad. "Eheheh! Sorry, but I'll beat you!" Eugeal grinned. "We'll see..." As soon as they turned the TV on and began to play, the light went out. Eugeal sweatdropped. "Oh no! What are we going to do now?!" "What about playing Monopoly or Twister?" Hiryu suggested. Eugeal shook her head. "I borrowed them to the witches and they still have to give them back to me..." They both sighed. Suddenly Eugeal giggled. Hiryu looked at her, his tail shaped like a question mark. "Hiryu-chan!" she said "I have an idea! We could go and explore this house!" "Uhu? To explore your own house? Don't you know it well already?" "No, this is a very old house and the person who sold it to me said that it had a very low price because a witch lived here in the past and people thought it was haunted. He said that there's a lot of old stuff in the garret...Maybe there are even a few secret passages!" "Wow! Sounds funny!" Later in the messy and dusty garret... Eugeal sighed. "We're covered in dust and the most interesting thing we found is that squid shaped wooden statue..." Hiryu floated near it and looked at it. "It's a few inches taller than me and it seems firmly attached to the wall..." Eugeal tried to push and pull the statue but it didn't move. "Too bad...it would have looked nice in the living room between that soul crystal and that demon vinyl model..." Hiryu sat on the wooden statue. "Oh well, at least we spent some timeEEEEEEEEEEEE!" His words turned into a scream when the squid statue moved under him, making him to crash into a large hole in the wall. Eugeal looked into the hole, a little concerned. "Hiryu? Are you well?!" "Yes, don't worry... Hey! There is something here! Come with a candle!" Eugeal entered into the secret passage holding a candle. It was a small room, with irregular walls and a little star shaped window on the ceiling. The glasses of the window were dark and they didn't let the daylight in. When Eugeal lift the candle, she noticed that there were strange and unnatural drawings on the window's glasses. Spider webs were hanging from the ceiling like curtains and trough the dust on the floor, Eugeal and Hiryu could see a mosaic made of strange, dark stones, placed as if they were following an alien symmetry unknown to mortal people. Hiryu climbed on Eugeal's back. "Hey, sure this place is spooky..." he said. Eugeal nodded. "What's that?!" she said and pointed to a strange crate which was laying into a corner of the room. "Looks like an old crate..." "I suggest to take it into my room and examine it there. I don't like much this room..." The flame of the candle moved even if there wasn't wind at all. Eugeal and Hiryu rushed to the crate, grabbed it and teleported downstairs. Eugeal swept off the dust from the crate and they saw the alien figures engraved on the wood. They looked like marine creatures, but had a resemblance to human beings too. "Ick! The owner of this crate had twisted artistic tastes for sure..." Eugeal said. Hiryu nodded. "Let's see what's inside it..." They opened the crate. Inside there were many objects wrapped in leather. Eugeal took one of them and opened it. "Look Hiryu! A mummified sausage!" "Isn't that a squid?" Hiryu asked. Nor him nor Eugeal noticed the label attached to the object reading "Effigy of Cthulhu". Eugeal opened the other bundles which were in the crate and put them on the floor. There were weird stones, unknown objects and strange magical ingredients, each wrapped in a piece of leather with a symbol on it. The last object in the crate was a large book covered in leather (awfully looking like human skin). Eugeal opened it. "Hmmm...It's called Necronomicon...Where did I already heard this name?!" "Wasn't it a videogame?" Hiryu asked. "Maybe...Oh! If it was a video game, this must be the old game they took inspiration from. You know, like the versions on CD-ROM of Monopoly or Risk!" Hiryu nodded "And that book must be the manual of instructions! Let's play it!" "OK! Hmmm. Let's see...it says: to draw a pentacle on the floor using innocent blood..." Hiryu held a bottle with a bottle reading "Innocent Blood" and began to draw on the floor. "It's a very realistic game...This stuff looks like real blood!" he said. "Now we have to lit those candles and put them on the pentacle..." After a while, the pentacle was ready and there weren't any other objects on the floor. Hiryu looked at Eugeal. "What do we have to do now?" Eugeal turned the page and looked miffed. "Oh, there aren't any other instructions! Only a sort of little poem...." "A poem?!" "Yeah, something like: 'Ià! Shub Niggurat! Wake up, Cthulhu, Master of Darkness!' that's all..." As soon as she stopped talking, a sort of dark mist began to form inside the pentacle. Eugeal and Hiryu sweatdropped. "Hey, darling..." Hiryu said "Are you sure it was a game..." The ball of darkness kept growing (just like the sweatdrops on Hiryu and Eugeal's heads). Eugeal face turned blue. "Hiryu..." "What?" "I remembered a thing..." "What?!" "Necronomicon isn't a videogame... It's a book of black magic... And we just used the spell to call a demon..." "WHAAAAAAT?!!!!" A tentacle appeared from the darkness. Both Eugeal and Hiryu turned very very blue. "Darling?" Hiryu asked "The demon we called is going to obey us...right? RIGHT?!" Eugeal shook her head. "I'm afraid it's going to eat us and destroy every trace of life on the planet..." "What...what are we going to do?! We can't let it to take over the world before we do it!" Another tentacle appeared. Eugeal weakly smiled at Hiryu. "I've an idea...." "Yes! I understood! We're gonna transform in sailor scouts and blow out the demon from this planet! Right?!" Eugeal shook her head and noticed that a third tentacle had appeared. Hiryu looked at her in surprise. "No? What are we going to do then?!" Eugeal grabbed him and ran out of the door. "WE ARE GOING TO RUN AWAY!!!!!!" Meanwhile in the room, the last tentacle went out of the darkness. Cthulhu was in Net.Tokyo! End of Part 1 *********************************************************** SAILOR SAY *********************************************************** Sailor Stella Nera: Today on FSC, we learned that the Necronomicon is not a videogame... Sailor Nova:...and that is much better to leave spooky books alone if you don't know what are they... Sailor Stella Nera: But don't be mad at us for setting Cthulhu free because if the electr