danceanm.gifCalvin & Hobbes

                Welcome to my Calvin & Hobbes links page!!!  This page was created by me for
    all of you who are looking for the best Calvin & Hobbes sites on the web.  The 15 links
    I have listed are, for me, the coolest on the web.  They are arranged in no particular
    order so just visit the site you feel most drawn to.  For those of you who have your own
    Calvin & Hobbes site, please  e-mail me  the URL of your website so I can visit it sometime.
    Who knows, I just might include your site the next time I upgrade my list.

                "The best comics expose human nature  and help  us  laugh  at  our  own stupidity and hypocrisy.  They
        indulge  in  exaggeration and  absurdity,  helping us  to see the  world with  fresh eyes and reminding us how
        important  it is to  play  and be silly.     Comics  depict the ordinary, mundane events of our lives and help us
        remember  the importance  of  tiny moments.   They cleverly sum up our unexpressed thoughts and emotions.
        Sometimes they show the world from the perspective of children and animals, encouraging us to be innocent
        for a moment.    The best comics, that is to say,   are fun house mirrors that distort appearances only to help
        us recognize, and laugh at, our essential characteristics."
                                                                                                                        Bill Watterson
                                                                                            The Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Anniversary Book

 The Characters
Calvin ***Calvin***
"Know what I pray for?  The strength to change what I can, the inability
 to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference."
"I think animals are always so cute"
Dad ***Dad*** Mom ***Mom*** Rosalyn***Rosalyn***


Susie ***Susie*** Miss Wormwood ***Miss Wormwood*** Moe***Moe***
The Official Calvin and Hobbes Page  - A new comic strip is featured everyday.
Calvin and Hobbes at JetSwing's Animation Base  - Tons of cool C&H animations.
 Calvin and Hobbes at Martijn's  - Contains lots of strips and pics, info on C&H and Bill Watterson,
quotes and links.
 The Calvin and Hobbes Jumpstation  - Lots of links to other C&H sites.
 Calvin for President!  - A cool page where you can download desktop themes, backgrounds, etc.
 It's A Magical World - Quote of the week, info, strips, links.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Page  - Info, pics,strips, links.
 Calvin is God  - Has extensive collection of strips.
 Calvin and Hobbes' Magical World  - Info, download themes & backgrounds, pics, strips, movie rumors.
 Wonderful World of Calvin and Hobbes  - Animations, quiz, Calvin Alphabet, strips.
 The Searchable Calvin and Hobbes  - Type a phrase to search for a specific C&H strip.
 Calvin and Hobbes Unplugged - Articles on C&H, tributes, strips, poetry, links.
 The Irrepressible Calvin and Hobbes  - Lots of info on C&H.
 The Decade of Calvin and Hobbes  - Words from Bill Watterson(C&H creator), poetry, quotes.
 Fiona's Calvin and Hobbes Page  - C&H backgrounds, buttons, animations, bars.

           All Calvin & Hobbes images are the property of Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.  The images placed on this page
   should be seen as an encouragement to  buy Calvin & Hobbes books by Bill Watterson.    This page is in no way endorsed by or is
  affiliated with Bill Watterson and Universal Press Syndicate.

Email Link   Click Calvin to send me e-mail!

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