
Welcome to my midi page :)

I have a midi playing in the background

If you don't hear it i'd like to take this chance to suggest getting a crescendo plug in for your browser.

It's a great player and it also features great midi's for you....so if you'd like to get it (it's free) just go here :)

The midi's on my page have been collected from all over the net

To download a midi...right click on it and when the window comes up asking you where to save it...just choose where you want to save it...re-name it if you want to and then save it and your all set

Hope you enjoy the site :)

Now Off To The midi files...Just click on the button and away you go :)

To go to my wav page click wav button

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I'd just like to take this chance to thank GeoCat at Rave E-zine for awarding me with the cool site award :)

Rave E-zine's Cool Site Award

Rave E-zine was a geocities featured site and a very cool page!!!
Click on the Rave button and check it out :)

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All sound files on this page retain their original/current copyrights which are held by their respective owners. These sounds are for personal use only and may not be used in any commercial application.

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