The She-Ra Nitlist


Nits: Plot oddties, discontinuities, loopholes, equipment oddites, anything that contradicts itself in a movie or TV show.

This page would like to thank the original Nitpicker, Phil Farrand, and his Star Trek Nitpicker's Guides

These are in no particlar categorization or order, aside from being organized by episode/movie. I tried to keep them in as much order as I could, so try and follow along.

The Secret of the Sword


* Why doesn't anyone ever realize that whenever She-ra or He-man is around, Adora or Adam are nowhere to be found??

* Should Bow REALLY be telling the Horde Troopers he is a rebel? Hasn't he seen Star Wars??

* Is it a common Horde practice to destroy parts on the Fright Zone in a fit of rage?

* Is it just me or do the Etherians have REALL SLOW reflexes? It's way too easy to sneak up on them.

* Catra looses her mask when Battle Cat knocks her to the ground. When she starts running, the shot changes to a wide shot, and she is running WITH THE MASK ON. She never grabbed it, so how did she get it back??

* After Hordak shoots the Rebel Skyboat out of the sky, the lights on his readout screen spell out "DIE DIE"

* The Klingon War Theroy When you are faced with an enemy ship bearing down on you, you should

A. Try and shoot at it.

B. Try and Evade it

C. Stand there and watch it shoot you down (See Star Trek 6 or Generations.)

* He-Man goes to all the trouble to dress up as a Horde trooper to get into the Fright Zone, and misses such a thing as his hair being caught in the helmet? Wouldn't this pull on his hair??

* Hordak has Federation-Style beaming technology?????

* It's strange that Adora takes the time to put on full makeup before checking out the plunder room. Wouldn't you want to get there as quickly as possible considering the Magna-Beam is there, and a really powerful guy??

* Why does Man-At-Arms get to remember Adora, but not her own brother?

* Everyone here has really good instinct, for the lack of reflexes ("For The Honor of Greyskull" "Let's Cross Swords" etc. . . )

* Angella must save a fortune on laundry bills.

* No one notices Hordak blowing through the gate and out the back of Castle Greyskull?? Wouldn't he leave a slight hole in the castle??

* Randor can't get any closer to Marlena to comfort her? I mean she's a nervous wreck, and he just holds her hand from his throne.

* She-Ra really needs to learn to lie. After all, she used to work for the bad guys -- the kings of deception.

He-Man got the shaft in this deal. Let go to the summary.



Who got the better end of the deal???

This is just my list. Any additions to the above, OR anyone who wants to take episodes and do this to them, Send it to me

I am not trying to offend anyone with this list, I thought it would be a fun tribute to She-Ra. I know it was a Kiddie Show, and we aren't supposed to care about these, but it was fun.

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