Thank you for the free ME that I like it...

FREE: adj. - that which is completely pure; an essential, life-sustaining force

Now is where we come to the part of my web page where I tell you all this crap about myself, and you really don't care, but you read some of it anyway, because, hey, you're bored enought to be here in the first place, but then after the first sentence seems to go on for an eternity (without technically being a run-on, mind you), you sorta start skimming through it, hoping you'll see a period somewhere, even a semicolon, but you don't, because the verbose MF who wrote it thought it would be cute to have this big, long annoying monologue-oid grotesquerie wherein he rambles and rambles, seemingly with no goal or point in mind other than to annoy the shit out of you.

Did it work?

So, my name is Mhat. I play alto sax, keyboards, drums, I love to write music, and I'm trying to learn electric bass. Have any tips? No? Oh, well thanks a lot then, pal. My other interests are sleeping a lot and eating a lot (if I have enought time left over after sleeping). Other than that, I dabble in HTML and sampling. HTML, as it were, is really my forte, as it were. But, as Woody Allen put it (sort of), "HTML and sampling are my bread and butter...well, HTML is my butter, and sampling my, no...well, HTML and sampling are my various breads and butters." Do you like bread or butter? HTML? Sampling? Well, if so, then that's really exciting. No, really, that's terribly exciting to me. I mean, whoah, that's some seriously exciting shit. In fact, if you'd like to sign a GUESTBOOK and tell me all about it, that'd be great...just great! I just got a guestbook, so go sign it or I'll send the TROUBLEMAKER to your house! And don't forget to check out my DRUM LOOPS PAGE, where you can stock up on the phattest beats ever recorded absolutely free...and I think you'll even learn a little about yourself in the process, and that's really what my intentions here are. God DAMN I'm SO FULL OF SHIT!

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