Lois and Clark Trivia

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You think you can answer my trivia? I don't think so. My trivia's going to be so hard I'll have to tell you what episode the question came out of to give you a fair chance. I have 5 questions for you, 2 easy enough that just about anyone should get them. The next 2? Get out your copy of the episode! The last? Good luck! Unfortunetly I don't have anything to give you except my respect and if you want your name/e-mail/link to your page put all over my page. Please send answers here or here and please put in the subject "trivia". New policy: you can answer any or all of the questions, if you get any correct I'll put your name up! I'll leave the questions up until someone answers them correctly or I feel like changing them. Good luck!

My "Bolt from the Blue" questions were answered by Vanna. E-mail Vanna here. She just missed one of the questions! The answers are at the bottom of the page.

I have also decided to do much easier trivia, same rules apply.

Well since we've just seen some wonderful episodes with Tempus in them I went back to the original Tempus episode, "Tempus Fugitive"!


  1. Near the beginning of this episode Tempus stole a gun, some amo, a pair of sunglasses and what from a gun shop?

  2. What did Lois get Perry for his birthday (again...)?

  1. Where did Tempus take baby Clark?

  2. How many channels are there with "nothing on"?

  1. What was the tavern called that "Mrs. Martha" worked at?


  1. What was Waldecker's tatoo of? Rose

  2. When Lois and Waldecker's sister were trapped in Kelly's cage what was the thing that Lois had to enter into the lock to get out? The date of her wedding to Lex.

  1. How much would it be for Waldecker to save 'Muffin', the dog, from a burning building? $29.95

  2. How much was he going to charge Lois for saving her life? $32.50

  1. In the very beginning of the episode we can see a gravestone, whose was it? Leon F. Pulner

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