The Geek Space Dominion Anniversary Page

The Geek Space Dominion

Anniversary Page

Well, it's the end of another year, (Earth year, that is) and I thought what better thing to do than wrap up the year with a summary of the events of the past year.

"We wept, we yelled, and we tried to kill ourselves and each other.."

-Summary of last year as described by Qwak.

Uncle Miles

Uncle Miles

The year started off with the arrival Uncle Miles, a cowboy with a funny accent who told stories, or, as he liked to call them, "Story'ies" to the younger inhabitants of Geek Space Nine.
It turned out Uncle Miles was in actuality, Chief Oh Brain dressed in a cowboy outfit.
Uncle Miles later went bankrupt when Commander Sikto suspended Oh Brain's pay to deter him from the activities.
A few months after this, Uncle Miles showed up again, this time to cause Lt. Dux to go into convulsions of boredom.


Visiting Enter-Price Crew Wreaks Havoc

During the new year celebrations, the USS Enter-price docked at GS9 for what turned out to be extended shore leave.
During this time, Gate Sikto was involved in a war with young genius, Wez Crushed, Commander Striker lost his trombone after winning the "Loose and Booze" competition, and Counsellor Oi won the annual "Who Can Eat it All" chocoholics contest.

Audio-Visual Resources Cause Excitement

The arrival of the new audio-visual resources to GS9 caused excitement and disagreement throughout the station. Chief Oh Brain and Dr Bash-up resorted to a practical-joke war when they were told they were in competition for a job as presenter on the new show, "GS9 News".
75% of GS9's inhabitants were covered with purple jelly in a publicity stunt for a new show called "Ha Ha Ha de Ha", to be hosted by Qwak.
However, Starfeet later banned all audio-visual resources when it heard of the problems being caused by it's introduction.

Wharf joins the Club New Crew member - Wharf

Lt. Dux was proclaimed a traitor to Starfeet after being diagnosed by Dr Bash-up to have Oddo's evil twin residing inside her. At the time Oddo was trapped in the form of a Bagloran spider, and when extra security was called for, captain of the USS Enter-price Captain Pick-a-card, saw the ideal opportunity to get rid of his security officer, Mr Wharf. Wharf happily arrested Dux despite the fact that the two were engaged at the time.
Oddo was later found in the broom-closet, but by that time the Enter-Price had got as far away from GS9 as possible, so Mr. Wharf was allowed to stay on as a new member of the GS9 crew.

Station Becomes Unruly During Captain's Holiday

Captain Sikto went AWOL after being unable to complete his four-piece jigsaw puzzle. During his absence, Qwak was appointed head of the Klingon high council, Major Key-rack destroyed "Torbo", the turbo elevator by dropping cheese down his shaft, and Wharf stole Dux's symbiont because she had broadcast his secret fear of pink bunnies over the station broadcasting system.


Wormhole Aliens Named

The non-linear entities that reside inside the wormhole were officially named when they caused a shuttle kraft carrying Dr Bash-up, Garax, and Wez Crushed, to explode. The declared themselves as "Mo", "Larry" and "Curly".

Sailor Moon Appears on Station

When a "weird, pig-tailed girl" who called herself Sailor Moon appeared on GS9, Wharf and Dux were ordered rid the station of her. They managed to do this by crashing a shuttle containing both Sailor Moon and themselves, onto Bagel.


Voyagee Keeps in Touch

Despite being on the other side of the galaxy, the USS Voyagee, through various wormholes, spatial anomalies, and other unexplained circumstances, has managed to communicate briefly with the Dominion throughout the year. Captain Janeweigh and her crew send their regards.


The Torbo Case

Torbo, the station's elevator, was destroyed by Major Keyrack when she dropped a piece of cheese into his workings. He was later fired out the torpedo chute because it was seen to be "a fitting end for a faithful friend". Dr Bash-up later followed the speeding lift to save his pet bacteria, which he had left inside the lift. Torbo was replaced with a Starfleet Turbo-Drop soon after his demise, which has yet to be named.

Qwak's Cake

Qwak's Birthday

The biggest celebration this year turned out to be, for some reason, barkeep Qwak's birthday. It turned out to be a very eventful night, with Qwak's candles being illegally smuggled blazor-rifles, and entertainment ranging from weird, (Baaaaaap's human juggling act) to bizarre (Sikto's aubergine eating contest) to plain scary ("I Sold the Station For a Bar of Gold-Pressed Latinum" sung by Qwak).

GS9 with Decorations

Silly Season Causes Craziness

During the later months of the year, a human custom often known as the "silly season" made itself clear. Insanity briefly swept the station, the Domino was falsely reported to be attacking, the station was covered with multi-coloured lights, and the environmental controls were damaged. Bash-up Claus also showed up to terrify Cake-oh's preschool class.

Sikto Sums Up the Year

Well, what a year it has been.

GS9 Crew

This year's crew photo

The Geek Space Dominion