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Chris's Female Celebrity Index

Welcome to my homepage, I hope you enjoy your stay. This is sort of a tribute to people who work hard day after day to make an exceptional web page dedicated to their favorite celebrity. Here, you find info on my favorite celebrities as well as links to some well balanced and easy to use homepages

To the left, in case you didn't notice, is the most beautiful and talented person in the world, Mariah Carey.

None of the my pages contain any nudity, however I am not responsible for the content of any remote links.


3/30/00 Started clearing all the bad links. Should be done pretty soon I hope.

Now on to the Celebrities!!!!

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I am in no way affiliated with the celebrities mentioned on these pages or the Webmasters whose links appear on these pages.

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Christopher Dupree.

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Don't see your favorite celebrity? E-mail me with the subject "Celeb Idea" and the Celeb's name in the body and I'll see what I can do.

Want me to add your site or know of a site that I should add? E-mail me with the subject "Add Site" and the URL in the body and I'll check it out. Please only send me site suggestions of celebrities that are only on the page. I am also not interested in any link exchanges.

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