What does DVD really stand for?
There can be many different interpretations behind the word DVD. This
takes a look at the definition of DVD and they come from a wide variety
of sources. Some of these are quite funny but in no way meant to degrade
DVD in any way.
The very well know definition of DVD to the home theatre school would be Digital Video Disc because it is intended in storing video information. When DVD is mention to the computer school they would be know as Digital Versatile Disc due to its versatility of storing computer media.
Here are the not so popular definition of DVD and again it is stress that these are different opinion and not meant to degrade the technological advances of DVD. DVD could be know as
We see here that DVD has a lot of different definition and that they are formed due to constant technical delay and glitch that DVD has caused prior the launch. However credit's needs to be given for a new development that is considered to be revolutionary. In achieving this would only need time and the support of the general public like us.