Hello! My name is Carrie, and here are some of my stats, just to give
you an idea of how I am entering into this venture...
I am a 23 year old student/secretary/musician person. I am about 5'6"
and currently weigh 154 lbs. My highest weight ever was 180 about three
years ago. I was always a chunky kid and battled food issues my whole life,
so fitness has psychological and physical importance to me. I started
working out with weights when I was 20, after taking a very inspiring self
defense course. I decided that the time had come to feel strong on the inside
and be strong on the outside. My biggest challenge is cardiovascular fitness.
I haven't run a 10 minute mile since Junior High! With that in mind, my
main goal is cardiovascular fitness and endurance. I lift weights to
maintain muscle tone- muscle burns calories faster, increasing the metabolic
speed and making it easier to stay in shape. My weight goals are mainly to reach 150, and then to get as lean as I possibly can. It's been a far off dream of mine to weigh under 150 lbs, but I put more stock into my health and fitness
than my weight.
I began taking a supplement a few weeks ago- I don't really want to
specify the supplement though I'd be happy to tell anyone who is interested, I
just don't want to advertise or recommend something that might adversely
affect someone's health. I simply resorted to the supplement to help me get
over what I percieved as a plateau- my weight was going back and forth
between 152 and 154 for months.