Healthy Living Information and Weight Loss Counseling
New Year's Resolution Special
January 5, 2002

Are you looking for a new you for 2002? If so, you should know that most New Year's Resolutions are broken before January even ends. But that doesn't have to be your fate -- if you're like most people, at least one of your resolutions will include some aspect of getting into better shape. That's why our Nutricise nutritionists have put together a list of tips that will make it easier for you to stick to your fitness resolutions.

"It's easy to come up with excuses not to exercise. " says Theresa Davis MS, RD. "You need to treat exercise as you would a relationship or career, by looking out for new ways to keep it challenging and exciting -- otherwise it will just fizzle". With these easy tips and suggestions our Nutricise nutritionists have compiled for you, it should be easy to make this the year where you make your resolutions stick.

EASE INTO IT! You may have been on a varsity team in high school or college, but if you haven't exercised regularly since then, don't expect to immediately bounce back to your former athletic self. Instead, ease yourself into an exercise program by starting off at a lower intensity and gradually adding speed, distance or weight to your workout. Starting an exercise program will inevitably cause muscle soreness, so you don't want to be in so much pain from overdoing it that your first attempt becomes your last!

JUST DO IT! Even elite athletes have to coax themselves into a workout once in a while. Getting started is always the toughest part. If you don't feel like exercising, tell yourself you'll only do it for just 10 - 15 minutes. Doing a little something is ALWAYS better than doing nothing at all. Chances are once you get started -- you'll keep going.

ARE YOU AN EARLY BIRD OR A NIGHT OWL? Most people are either one or the other and their exercise habits follow suit. Despite the preference for AM or PM hours, it'll still be tough to motivate to get started with your exercise routine in the cold, dark month of January. To get yourself going try these little tricks:

THE LITTLE THINGS COUNT Remember, every time you heave yourself up off that couch, you're burning calories. And those calories can add up -- everything from carrying groceries to playing cards to mopping the floor can help you burn calories. Visit the Nutricise Activity Calorie Calculator to find out how many calories you're burning:

REVAMP YOUR ROUTINE. Change your routine to prevent boredom -- and to keep your muscles challenged. Once you master an exercise, your muscles become more efficient and you will burn fewer calories. (Not to mention the fact that you will start to dread the monotony of your workout!) Vary the length, intensity, and type or activity. For example - incorporate quick sprints or hills into your morning run, take a different route, bike one day instead, or try out that class at the gym you've been thinking about.

MIX IT UP! Music can make a world of difference to your workouts. Put the CD burner you got for Christmas to use and make a mix of your favorite upbeat songs to workout to. Check out the tunes at the music store -- some CDs and tapes are specifically compiled to use while exercising.

READING IS FUNDAMENTAL. Reading a book or magazine while on cardio machines such as the elliptical machine or stationary bike will make time fly while working out. Another option would be to try audio books. Bookstores and libraries have tons of audio books to choose from. You can go on for miles "listening" to a good book!

ORGANIZE & PRIORITIZE. Often the first things to go when you have a hectic schedule are activities that involve taking care of yourself, such as exercise. To prevent this from happening, schedule your workouts into your appointment book or palm pilot. Give your workouts the same priority you would any of your other important appointments.

WRITE IT DOWN. Research shows that people who keep fitness journals are far more likely to stick with it than those who don't track their progress. When you've got it in writing, you have tangible evidence of the efforts you've made. Rereading your diary can help motivate you to go after specific goals, rather than just going through the motions. If you take an extended fitness break, a journal is proof that you did it before and that you can do it again.

JOIN A CLUB. We're not talking health club, but rather a club for people who take their workouts into the great outdoors. Hiking, trail running, mountain climbing, mountain biking are rowing are just a few of the choices out there. Working out with a group can help you stay motivated, and the new friends you meet can distract from tough training time.

BECOME AN ATHLETE! Sign up for a race or compete with a team. Competition is not only motivating and fun, it can help a good cause as well! Here are a few suggestions to get started:

BUDDY UP. Studies show that people who pair up with partners are more likely to work out. You don't have to meet your buddy every time you work out, but try to make a date for once or twice a week and see if it works. Most people report that workouts are more fun and the time goes by in a flash.

TAKE LESSONS! Learning a new activity will keep your workouts fun and exciting. Try sports such as tennis, skiing, or golf. Not into sports? How about dance lessons? You can choose from ballet, swing, ballroom, jazz, ethnic dancing and more!

With a little planning, creativity, and motivation -- you can make your New Year's Resolutions a New Year reality!

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