Firstly, this site is not called the big boned.... I'll change the title picture next time. It's now officially called The Totally Buggared up South Park Site. Ok, let's be honest. This won't win any award. However, it has got some good stuff on it so check it out. I am looking to add stuff to it. I won't be surprised if something isn't right (especially in the sound department). If there's anything faulty in this site, e-mail me. Don't forget to vote your favourite character and sign my my guestbook on your way out
Email me at
Please come back or I'll kill you.

No, I'll seriously kill you.

South Park pictures in GIF and JPEG format.

The sweeeeeet sounds of South Park.

This isn't my episode guide. It's's. I can't be stuffed making my own guide.

The lyrics of the South Park songs

The theme song (in WAV format)

Profiles of all the South Park characters. Well.....maybe not all.

Links to other Pages that are cooool.

Thank you to...

your favourite character

Don't forget to sign my guestbook.

This site has been visited by South Park fans since October the 1st, 1998.

Email Me!!!!!!

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