My Name Is...
ATHF Volume 4

The Aqua Teen Hunger Force artworks below were featured on the Fan Art (F-Art) Section of ATHF Vol. 4, Disc 2. Surprisingly, they cropped the mug shot so that you can't actually see Ignignokt give the finger.

ATHF - "Shake in Darkness"

ATHF - "Ignignokt Happened One Christmas"

This is an image I submitted to the ATHF Contest, but it was not used:
ATHF - "Dogfight vs. Geddy Lee"
Other [AS] Art

Ghost in the Shell - Motoko

SS1 Goku

Random Insanity
Not Adult-Swim Related... but funny (maybe)

MySpace Contact Boxes
Random Art

Bamberg, Germany

Earth X sketch


The Ultimates

The Ultimates - Captain America

The Ultimates - Black Widow

The Ultimates - The Hulk

Digital Painting; The face is incomplete.



Captain America

Captain America Sketch

Captain America's Arch-Nemesis, The Red Skull

Nude I

Jon Stewart
(The painting isn't really this orange; the colors in the photo are bad.)

Stephen Colbert

James Bond

My Favorite Links:
Yahoo! Games
Adult Swim
Yahoo! Greetings