18 Mar. 2003

YahooGeocities sucks.

Anyway. Well I've mentioned that I was looking for some unusual pics to use for a header for this page. Still haven't found any. I did find this interesting picture of crazy fanatics at a book signing off of the Alias site.

18 March, 2003: Nothing New Under the Sun Ok. Here's a rundown of what's been going on for me in the past couple of weeks... FINALLY saw Daredevil! It was pretty good. I'm going to see it again tomorrow so I can see the X-men2 trailer on the big screen. I've already seen it on Quicktime but there's nothing like seeing it on a movie screen with movie sound. I apparently missed it the first time I went to see Daredevil. Too bad Jennifer Garner's character kinda loses her fighting edge at the end. But I hear that's how it is in the comic book and Bullseye is apparently a master at everything, not just killing with random objects. Plus the movie is called Daredevil for a reason and not Elektra, but hey, they'll have a sequel or spinoff anyway so I shouldn't worry. And speaking of Jennifer Garner. This whole Alias stuff is driving me batty. At least I feel a little better about it this week than 2 weeks ago when I couldn't believe what happened. But why the new episode every other week? Now that's annoying. (The Alias link is the official one. I haven't seen any good fan sites cuz oddly enough, I haven't really looked. I'd rather just watch the show I guess. I'm sure there are tons out there, in fact here's a few.)

Great Googily Moogily!! Oh my. I was trying to find some odd pictures to make yet another header for this page and found this um... intriguing site.

6 March, 2003: I've got a Goofy Stance Well, now that I've managed to get back to the file manager site, I can actually update. So anyway last weekend I had a blast in the snow and tried snowboarding for the first time. I'm not really sure if I'm a Goofy or a Standard. I kept changing legs everytime they tried to test me. I may be ambidextrious which would be cool. Anyway a group of friends and I went up to Kirkwood but since some knew how to board the rest of us didn't pay for a lesson. Further proof, the rest of us had no clue what we were doing. What else I didn't know was that they took us to the intermediate slopes. So technically speaking, we were on the bunny slopes... of the intermediate variety. It was a very loooong bunny slope. More like bunny road. Anyway it was so much fun except the couple times I had the wind knocked out of me. I did learn where you should not fall--on icy ground. Instantaneous falling and major bruised knees. I might try this again but this time if my foot hurts, check if there's a hook trying to embed itself into it first before thinking you've sprained something.

24 February, 2003: Holy Bat-capers! Found this interesting story to keep you entertained for a couple of minutes. ;) Terrifica

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