AnubisMany Egyptian gods were portrayed as animals, or as human beings with animal heads like Anubis , the god of the dead, because the Egyptians considered all animals to be sacred. Anyone who deliberately killed an animal would be punished with death. Cats that had died would be embalmed and buried in sacred receptacles.
From this void the life-giving sun god Atum (later called Re arose on the first hill of earth- just as the subsiding of the Nile flood causes hills of mud to appear with their promise of life-giving harvest. Atum (or Re) created the goddess of moisture and Shu, the god of the air. Their daughter, Nut, was the goddess of the sky, and her brother, Geb, who was also her husband, was the god of the earth. Despite the blatant evidence provided by this story, inscestual marriages were not widespread in Ancient Egypt. It was only an option for pharoahs who wanted to maintain as much divine blood as possible in their line. By day Re sailed through the air on a boat between the sky and the earth, resting at night in the body of Nut, to be born again each morning.
The funeral feast was held in front of the tomb, after it was sealed forever.