The Big Reunion

In mid-1998, my dad's side of the family got together in Wisconsin for our first ever big family reunion/birthday party for my grandma. Here is a little page dedicated to the festivities!

My Aunt Janice and Uncle Frank

My Uncle Dave

My parents, Uncle Dave, and I went to play pool. Here, me and Dave watch my Mom execute a shot.

My Mom and I discuss possible angles.

Dave watches my Dad set up a shot.

I (who look like I'm possessed by the devil in this picture) play with my mom's shoelaces to create a ruckus. My Cousin Dan is sitting at the right.

My Uncle Dave, Cousin Charlene, and Aunt Melissa in front of the fireplace at my Uncle Ed's colossal cabin.

We had my grandma's birthday party at a nice restauant - here's my Uncle Ed posing with Grandma and the cake. Me and my mom are sitting to the right.

Grandma prepares to cut the cake.

Grandma and the grandkids: the three little ones in the front left are my Cousins Aaron, Otto, and Katie. Standing behing them are me, Charlene, peeking Dan, Anna, and Grandma. To the right of Grandma are my Aunt Margaret's sister's children Doug, Felicity, and Olivia.

Dad at the airport

Last updated on: October 23, 2003
