About the Author

Susan L. Williams resides in Massachusetts. She has been writing for 30-odd (extremely odd) years (she started very young). Normally (well, as normally as she ever gets) she writes Heroic Fantasy. To date, however, all but one of her published stories have been Dark Fantasy. It may be that TPTB are trying to tell her something, but she refuses to listen. Aside from an Elfquest story written long ages ago, The Sentinel is her first foray into fanfiction. For those who are interested, a bibliography of her published works follows.

"Blind Faith"--short story, published in BLOOD MUSE: Timeless Tales of Vampires in the Arts; edited by Esther M. Friesner and Martin H. Greenberg; Donald I. Fine, 1995

"Medal of Horror"--novelette, published in FRIGHT TIME; Baronet Books, 1995

"The Blue Path"--short story, published in CONADIAN SOUVENIR/PROGRAM BOOK, for the 1994 World Science Fiction Convention