spotlight on:
Monkees Shrine of Grooviness

    The winner of theis month's Daily/Nightly award  for the unofficial Monkees fan page of the month is Nezgirl's Monkees Shrine of Grooviness. This site really lives up to it's name with some of the grooviest  and original things to do that I have found at any Monkees site!! Nezgirl's site is guaranteed to keep you entertained with pics, fanfic, sounds, postcards, quotes, "morphing monkees" (this you HAVE to see) and for you creative kiddies, a Micky coloring contest. *the only problem cara has with NG's site, is the fact that her transcript from the Micky chat omitted something that makes Cara look like she said something completely un-cara-istic. For everyone's info, I did *NOT* say the following to Micky's daughters: "you guy look exactly like your dad right?"  NG somehow omitted the name of the silly and probably very nervous person who said that, and if you want to know who it was, read my chat transcript, from my Micky tribute page*  Sigh, now that THAT's off my chest.....;o) Go and check out NG's site, it *IS* the SHRINE of Grooviness!!

No, she's not *that* old, this pic comes to you courtesy of the creative graphics genius of Kokani.

Nezgirl (aka Trish) is 16 years old and lives in Washington Twp. NJ. Some of her favorite bands are METALLICA, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Monkees, The Who, and Nirvana. when not hanging out in #Torkfriends or #AdmiralMike, Trish spends her time hanging out with her real-life friends, listening to music, (preferably Metallica because she's in love with Lars Ulrich) collecting cd's and books on her favorite bands, playing soccer, and softball. (Or is that watching the GUYS play soccer and softball?) ;o) Ya know, all the stuff that normally nez-obsessed teens like to do. (Is Normally Nez-obsessed an oxymoron?)

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