And yet another homepage for me!!

I've stopped counting after 5..

and yet another page as been counted for the misunderstanded jenius called nico...
this is one of his many many pages all over the net.. hope you'll enjoy this one too...
I need'nt say that this page is under really heavy constraction and it will be better every time you'll enter it again..

Links to other sites on the Web

My new and really awaited music midi page is on line!!! it's great go see.. now!!
My first and yet the best homepage 'till this very moment..
My movies and T.V shows midi's great check it out!!
My link page..I'm adding new links now so, if you wanna be linked in there..E-mail me..
And yet another one of my homepages..
my brother's home page...

this is the end amigos..
I promise to make it the best (ot one of them..) page on the net..

any questions or any thing of that kind?
E-mail me at:

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