Last updated on Sept 6, 1997

I won't be able to update for a bit due to school and time commitments, sorry for the inconvenience. I will update more as soon as I can.

Kothoga's Movie Lair

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Internet Movie Slayer!!

Visit Kothoga's Video Lair for all the upcoming video releases!!!!

On this Page you will find:

  • August 22nd

    THE August 22nd-24th BATTLE FOR THE BOX OFFICE is COMING!!:

    Copland vs. Mimic and G.I. Jane

    ESTIMATES are due Sunday the 24th!!!

    FINALS are due Monday!!!

    • August 15th

      --LOTSA UPDATES!!--

      ALIEN RESURRECTION has been pushed forward a week to November 21st from November 26th.

      DEEP RISING has been pushed back to February to allow completion of the CG sequences.


      SPHERE has been given a good chance to make its release date on December 12th as opposed to next year.

      THE GAME has been given a release date of September 12th.

      DARK EMPIRE (Dark City) has been put to a release date of January 16th from October 17th.

      G.I. JANE has been bumped back a week toAugust 22nd.

      See below for the TOP TEN from this past weekend!!!

    • The latest info on all upcoming movies
    • The fastest Box Office Results of the past weekend
    • Links to your favorite movie related sites

    Wick Miscellaneous Links

    Movies Coming This Week (August 22nd)

    • Mimic [Mira Sorvino]
    • G.I. Jane [Demi Moore]
    • Masterminds [Patrick Stewart]
    • Leave It To Beaver [Janine Turner]
    • A Smile Like Yours [Lauren Holly]
    • Dirty Dancing [RE-ISSUE]
    • Money Talks (Aug 20th) [Charlie Sheen, Chris Tucker]

    Movies Coming Next Week (August 29th)

    • Excess Baggage [Alicia Siverstone]
    • Kull the Conqueror [Kevin Sorbo]
    • Masterminds [Patrick Stewart]

    New Theatrical Releases

    Upcoming Theatrical Releases 1997


    • G.I. Jane (August 22nd)
    • Mimic (August 22nd)
    • Money Talks (August 22nd)
    • Masterminds (August 22nd)
    • Leave it to Beaver (August 22nd)
    • Kull the Conqueror (August 29th)
    • She's So Lovely (August 29th)
    • Excess Baggage (August 29th)

    September - October

    • Swept from the Sea (Fall '97)
    • Kilronan (Fall '97)
    • The Assignment (September '97)
    • The Game (September 12th)
    • The Peacemaker (September 26th)
    • The Ice Storm (September 26th)
    • Playing God (September 26th)
    • Kiss the Girls (October 3rd)
    • The Devil's Advocate (October 17th)
    • Gattaca (October 17th)
    • Dark City (October 17th)
    • Bean (October 24th)
    • Phantoms (October 24th)


    • The Truman Show (Holiday Season '97)
    • Starship Troopers (November 7th)
    • Nightwatch (November 7th)
    • The Jackal (November 14th)
    • Alien Resurrection (November 21st)
    • Mortal Kombat 2 (November 21st)
    • Anastasia (November 21st)
    • Flubber (November 26th)
    • Little Mermaid (Re-Release) (November 26th)
    • Eyes Wide Shut (November '97)
    • Freddy vs. Jason (November '97)


    • Old Friends (December '97)
    • Scream 2 (December 12th)
    • Sphere (December 12th)
    • Home Alone 3 (December 19th)
    • Amistad (December 19th)
    • Tommorrow Never Dies (James Bond 18) (December 19th)
    • Titanic (December 19th)
    • Jackie Brown (December 25th)


    • Desperate Measures (January '98)
    • Good Will Hunting (January '98)
    • Gilligan's Island (January 1st)
    • Hard Rain (January 16th)
    • Dark Empire (January 16th)
    • The Mighty (January 16th)
    • Senseless (January 30th)
    • Deep Rising (February)
    • Blade, the Vampire Slayer (February 13th)
    • The Mask of Zorro (March '98)
    • Nirvana (April '98)
    • Lost In Space (April 3rd)
    • The Substitute 2 (April 3rd)
    • Mod Squad (May 8th)
    • Species 2 (May 15th)
    • Godzilla (May 20th)
    • Superman Lives (July 4th)
    • Deep Impact (Summer '98)
    • The X-Files


    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (August 15th-17th)

    1. COPLAND....($13.0 million)....[new]
    2. Air Force One....($12.6 million)....[2]
    3. Conspiracy Theory....($12.0 million)....[1]
    4. Event Horizon....($9.5 million)....[new]
    5. Spawn....($5.1 million)....[3]
    6. George of the Jungle....($5.0 million)....[4]
    7. Men In Black....($4.3 million)....[5]
    8. Picture Perfect....($3.3 million)....[6]
    9. Contact....($2.8 million)....[7]
    10. Air Bud....($2.4 million)....[9]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (August 8th-10th)

    'Conspiracy Theory' sqeaked out top this week by nudging out 'AFO' by only a million. Some estimates have also shown them to be within a fraction of a million apart. Spawn lost quite a bit of ground this week but still hung onto 3rd.'George' and 'MIB' are continuing their sucess by adding more to their totals of $75 mill and $220 mill respectively. 'Free Willy 3' did not even show up on the top ten. 'Event Horizon' and 'Copland' will challenge for Number 1 next week.
    1. CONSPIRACY THEORY....($19.3 million)....[new]
    2. Air Force One....($17.8 million)....[1]
    3. Spawn....($8.9 million)....[2]
    4. George of the Jungle....($6.3 million)....[3]
    5. Men In Black....($5.7 million)....[4]
    6. Picture Perfect....($5.0 million)....[5]
    7. Contact....($4.5 million)....[6]
    8. How to be a Player....($4.2 million)....[new]
    9. Air Bud....($3.5 million)....[7]
    10. Nothing to Lose....($2.8 million)....[8]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (August 1st-3rd)

    1. AIR FORCE ONE....($25.7 million)....[1]
    2. Spawn....($19.7 million)....[new]
    3. George of the Jungle....($8.9 million)....[2]
    4. Men In Black....($8.0 million)....[3]
    5. Picture Perfect....($7.8 million)....[new]
    6. Contact....($6.2 million)....[4]
    7. Air Bud....($4.9 million)....[new]
    8. Nothing to Lose....($4.5 million)....[6]
    9. Face/Off....($3.8 million)....[7]
    10. Good Burger....($3.6 million)....[5]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (July 25th-27th)

    'Air Force One' opened to a record post-Independence Day record and many other records for areas such as Harrison Ford's Highest opening gross. It should be on its way to the higher 100 millions in total gross. 'George' stayed well only dropping 20% from last weekend and 'MIB' is also hangingin ther closing to within $10 mill of the $200 mill gross mark. 'Good Burger' opened well despite its younger content. 'Spawn' and '187' should tap into 'AFO' next week.
    1. AIR FORCE ONE....($37.1 million)....[new]
    2. George of the Jungle....($13.2 million)....[2]
    3. Men In Black....($12.4 million)....[1]
    4. Contact....($9.7 million)....[3]
    5. Good Burger....($7.1 million)....[new]
    6. Nothing to Lose....($6.9 million)....[4]
    7. Face/Off....($5.6 million)....[5]
    8. My Best Friend's Wedding....($4.5 million)....[6]
    9. Hercules....($3.2 million)....[7]
    10. Operation: Condor....($1.7 million)....[8]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (July 18th-20th)

    Once Again, 'Men In Black' stayed atop the Box Office with another $19 million bringing is total up to $172.1 million. The only other two movies to top the box office for 3 straight weekends this year were 'Star Wars' and 'Liar, Liar'. 'George' did well on its opening weekend grossing $16.5 mill more to its total of $22.7 mill. 'Contact' continues to do well with the highest per screen average of any movie in the top ten. Its total is now $47 mill. 'Nothing to Lose' also opened strong in 4th. The re-release 'Operation: Condor' showed up in 8th. 'Air Force One' should top the chart next week.
    1. MEN IN BLACK....($19.0 million)....[1]
    2. George of the Jungle....($16.5 million)....[new]
    3. Contact....($16.1 million)....[2]
    4. Nothing to Lose....($11.6 million)....[new]
    5. Face/Off....($8.9 million)....[3]
    6. My Best Friend's Wedding....($6.5 million)....[5]
    7. Hercules....($5.2 million)....[4]
    8. Operation: Condor....($4.7 million)....[new]
    9. Out to Sea....($3.2 million)....[6]
    10. Batman and Robin....($1.8 million)....[7]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    The Top Ten Flicks at the Box Office (July 11th-13th)

    'Men in Black' did very well its second week taking its total up to $140 milion. 'Contact'also did very well for having only 2/3's the amount of theatres as many of the top 5 movies. Its running time 141 mins also was a drawback to theatres only being able to show 4 pictures daily. Both 'Face/Off' and 'Best Friends...' showed staying power again this week, only dropping a few percent from last week. 'Hercules' is sliding rapidly as new pictures come out. The only other new movie to break the top ten was 'A Simple Wish' appearing near the bottom at 9th. 'George of the Jungle' opens this coming Wednesday but should not be a serious threat to the top movies.
    1. MEN IN BLACK....($30.1 million)....[1]
    2. Contact....($20.6 million)....[new]
    3. Face/Off....($12.3 million)....[2]
    4. Hercules....($8.3 million)....[3]
    5. My Best Friend's Wedding....($8.3 million)....[4]
    6. Out to Sea....($4.2 million)....[6]
    7. Batman and Robin....($4.1 million)....[5]
    8. Con-Air....($2.9 million)....[7]
    9. A Simple Wish....($2.7 million)....[new]
    10. The Lost World....($1.4 million)....[8]
    [Last weeks rank in parentheses].

    Previous Box Office Lists can be found HERE

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