This is the Hedding, play with the size

  1. Here is a link University style guide
  2. Yet another University But it has more to it
  3. And yet a little more Advanced Resource

You have to realize that you have to go on the internet, research for the resources on your own and then use tohos href's for your links, Im not going to give you the ones I used.

now you are going to have to make your own background an a second page form an image you save off the onternet. I dont care which one you use, but it isn't bgcolor='s, it's a background, but its your choice for the image. You have to save this a background.html and make a link on refrence to it on your inatial "index" page here is the link to the second page

you now have to upload your document,and any subsequent images to your folder that is on my macchiene using cuteftp

[Home sweet home] [my links page]
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[A table I made which I am very proud of] [a page deticated to my buddies] 1