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Everyone knows someone affected by heart disease or stroke.  Several of my family members are currently living with congenital heart disease. My Auntie Carolina has been diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Only forty years old, she is unable to enjoy everyday activities due to her symptoms. My Tio Felix, Tio Jorge, and fifteen year old cousin Vanessa are also coping with this disease. My cousin Kayla is only six years old and was born with a heart murmur. In her short life she has endured several cardiac catheterizations to evaluate her heart. My Tio Alonso is a dedicated husband and the father of two young daughters. At fifty years old, he has survived two strokes and is recovering from a second open heart surgery.
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Page Last Updated December 17, 2007
Contribute to my college tuition fund: PayPal
I walked on September 17, 2005 not only to raise funds for the fights against heart disease and stroke, but also to be a source of hope for my family members who live so far away. Thank you to everyone who contributed; together we raised $250 for Americans living with Heat Disease!