Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: Instant Gratification

A boy and his father decide one day to go to one of their favorite restaurants for dinner. Both of them order their favorite meals, but moments after a waitress takes their order, the boy looks up at his father.

"Why is it taking so long? THOSE people already got their food, and they came in here 2 minutes after us! My food is gonna be cold by the time it gets here! My show starts in 15 minutes and I don't wanna miss the beginning of it! I don't ever want to come back to THIS place again! The service sucks! I don't think we should tip the waitress anything at all!"

The father, who now has a look of extreme annoyance on his face, glances down at his son. The boy averts his gaze and sighs deeply.

"Dad, why do you always have to embarrass me like this?"

One of the first things we learn after we are born, is that we can get what we want right away by crying and throwing a fit. When you're a baby, crying is the only way in which you can communicate with your parents. If you're hungry, you cry. If you need to be burped, you cry. If you need to be changed, you cry. If you're uncomfortable, you cry. As a baby, you learn that this method tends to get results almost right away. Unfortunately, few people seemed to have learned anything else throughout their lives. Everybody today wants to have everything, and wants to have it now. There are a few possible reasons for this need of instant gratification. Technology has increased expectations, we tend to do things at the last minute, we are feel our time is valuable, etc. But...most likely.... the majority of us are just spoiled brats.

I was once stuck on a train with a friend of mine (who will remain nameless) which was delayed for more than 4 hours because an accident had occurred ahead of us on the track. Now, that IS a long time to be stuck on a train. VIA Rail knows this and has a deal which states that if a train is delayed more than 3 hours (I think that's it), then you get a free ticket. This delay seemed even longer however, when my friend started bitching and moaning after the first half hour and continued for the rest of the trip.

"I'm never taking the train again! I can't believe they're wasting my time like this! This is Bullshit! I better get my money back AND a free ticket! I have better things to do than be stuck on this damn train!"

Frankly.... No, he didn't. My friend and I were on break. Classes wouldn't start again for another week. He lived about 15 minutes away from the train station and he had no plans for that night. He didn't have to be in heart surgery the next day and he didn't have to meet up with anyone afterwards. His plans for the night included watching TV (repeats) and playing Nintendo 64. I told my friend that bitching wasn't going to change anything, and that he should just relax. The seats were comfortable, we were all offered free food for the inconvenience and there were no screaming children. I figured I would just listen to some music or take a nap or something. Unfortunately, my friend wouldn't let me. Hour after hour passed of his bitching. It was at this point that I switched seats.

Here's another one for you: A friend of mine once got a schedule she didn't like at CEGEP registration. A course she wanted to take was closed. It wasn't a course that was necessary for her program or anything, she just wanted to take it. As a result, she whined and complained and refused to leave until the class she wanted was opened for her. By doing this, she not only made a hard time for everybody, she probably ended up delaying registration for others as well. Someone eventually did open up the course for her.

I don't know about you, but this kind of behavior really just pisses me off. People seem to think that just because they want something, it's their God-given right to have it! Well that just ain't so! People in this society will butt in line and screw people over to get some worthless toy, and then be pissed off because they have to wait 30 second for the cashier to get them their change. Get in the back of the line like everyone else you arrogant bastard! And, God-forbid, in the case that these people aren't actually able to GET whatever it is they want within 0.3 seconds, they make the infamous claim "you just lost my business!". Ya, THAT'LL cause the company to fail and collapse.

Speaking of infamous claims, how about "It's a dog eat dog world out there." Well, let me tell you something. The world is what we make it. People are always saying that "The system doesn't work", but how the hell would THEY know? They don't follow the damn system! They just use the damn loopholes! The problem is, that some people DO get their way by whining and complaining. This doesn't always work however, and when it doesn't, they're gonna be stuck with what they have, and people are gonna see them for the immature childish little brats that they are. If you are one of these people, then you should get ready for the world to see that you have no pride, no dignity and no reason to be treated like an adult. If you want something, work for it! Now pick a number, get in line and follow the rules like the rest of us!


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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