Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: The Penny

Am I the only person who thinks that we should have gotten rid of the penny a long time ago? I mean, when was the last time you actually CARED about the amount of pennies you had? I'm not referring to any of you anal compulsives who think that someone is trying to bleed you dry by steeling your pennies one by one either. I'm referring to the rest of you. The relatively sane ones (and I use the word "sane" loosely). I mean, it's 1/100 of a dollar for crying out loud! You would need 200 pennies just to get another coin! (for those who don't live in Canada, we have a $2.00 coin here called a Tooney). That is WAAY too many coins. We can replace bills with more coins, but we can't seem to get rid of coins. I was never really a huge fan of the Toony for that reason. I mean, I figured the last thing we needed here in Canada was another coin. Now that we have the Penny, the Nickel, the Dime, the Quarter, The Looney AND the Tooney, we don't really need to carry around anything for self defense. Just swing your wallet or change purse at your mugger and you can knock the guy out cold.

I can understand why we use to have pennies. When I was younger, you could buy certain jellies and candies for only a penny. Now a days though, you can't buy ANYTHING with a penny (those send-away record deals don't count and you damn well know it!). We've reached a point where the penny just doesn't have any use anymore. I mean, other than the anal retentive people, does anyone CARE if you get or don't get back 3 cents when they buy something for 97 cents?

You can tell pennies are useless, because it's probably one of the only pieces of currency that you can drop and decide that it isn't worth the effort to try to pick up. Let's just get rid of the damn things! I mean, we live in a world where you would need 800 to 1100 pennies just to catch a movie! That isn't right. I mean, while we're at it, let's create ANOTHER coin which is 1/100 of a penny. That way, we can have EXTREMELY exact change!

We don't need the penny anymore. We should discontinue them now before we turn the $5.00 and $10.00 bills into the Fooney and the Tenney.


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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