Rant & Roar

"Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but...." -Dennis Miller


Here is my Rant and Roar page. My rants vary in length depending on how I feel and how much I have to say about each issue. Once again, I'd like to point out that I am not trying to offend anyone in particular. This is just me blowing off some steam.


Topic: Sexism

Ya, I know. Ranting about Sexism is like ranting about getting your head caught in a wood chipper. It's kind of obvious that it's bad. Despite this however, there are still plenty of dirt stupid assholes out there who can't grasp the concept of equal rights. Maybe it's too complex an issue for them. I'll try to explain it as simply as possible:

Men and women are treated the same. NOT different, the same.

I hope that clarified things for everyone. Maybe it's just me, but I always viewed this as a kind of common sense thing. I mean, how can one gender of the same species believe it's superior to the other gender? We're part of the same damn species! And by us men believing we are superior in every way to women, we're clearly showing that we're inferior in intelligence to them.

Usually, in a case like this, I'd try to look at the arguments against equal rights for women and then critically assess them. The fact is though, that there ARE no arguments against equal rights for women. I can't think of a single one! Oh sure, you can argue that "a woman's place is in the kitchen" but how do you justify that? I can easily respond to that person by saying "your place is the top floor of a burning building". Aside from stupidity, ignorance, and plain old hatred, there is no reason for woman to be treated any less then men. Actually, there IS one argument I can think of: the religious argument. There are those who would judge the worth of a woman differently than the worth of a man because of what their religion tells them. Well, I don't think I need to go into ANOTHER rant about religious fanatics, do I? The truth is, I haven't studied these religions, so I can't really argue with them. No matter what your religion is however, I can guarantee that it stresses acceptance and tolerance.

Some might argue that men and woman are biologically different. Due to biological differences, men might be smarter in certain areas than women. That means men who work in these areas should be paid more than woman. This is a stupid argument for numerous reasons. If this was the case, and "a woman's place is in the kitchen", then male cooks should be paid less then female ones. After all, a MAN'S place isn't in the kitchen. Of course, using the biological differences between men and women to promote sexism is rather idiotic to begin with. Just because men might be predisposed to something, doesn't mean they ARE that thing. Not ALL men are good at the same things and not ALL woman are bad at the same things. Also, Bob might be good at his job, but could also be the laziest dickhead on the face of the earth. In the same office, Cindy might be slightly less capable than Bob, but could be working much harder and actually getting the work done. Shouldn't Cindy get paid more because she has to work harder? The fact is, the biological differences don't really affect anything. After all, if such minor things as which gender is better at which task was really so important to us, we would be taking more care weeding out serious things like the racists, the lazy people and the assholes. If we REALLY cared about having the right "kind" of people working in each company, then sexism wouldn't be a problem because sexists would be the first to be kicked out.

There are those who are still stuck in the 50s. Those who haven't accepted the women's movement. To them I say: It's time to set your clock ahead a few decades! A lot has happened over these past years! Women are now treated equal, there are these neat machines called computers and it's no longer legal to beat the crap out of someone because of their ethnicity. Welcome to the year 2000! If you don't like it, then you're welcome to leave the civilized world! Believe me, you won't be missed.


I feel much better now that I've vented.


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