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As Long as there have been vampires, there had been the Slayer. One Girl in all the world, to find them where they gather and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. She is the Slayer!

Buffy: "Does it every Get easy?"
Giles:" You mean Life?"
Buffy:"Yeah. Does it Get easy?"
Giles:"What do want me to say?"
Buffy:"Lie to me"
Giles:" Yes. It's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies...and everyone lives happily ever after."

Update 4/25/04:
Close to an entire year before updating. It sucks but I came up with some good ideas to make the site better in ways....The Bios are being updated in general and updated with episode apperances, like of course Buffy for Buffy would be all and for Angel would be the two episodes where she has appeared. Check'em out you'll see what I mean.

Well WB has decidingly canceled Angel. There is only four episodes remaining and it sucks!! There are a lot of sites out there supporting the cause to ressurect Angel but at time, don't think it will be done, but we'll see.
There will be other updated through the site....planning on redoing the Episode Guide for Buffy...with important events and first in Prophecy Girl THe First Big The Master is slayed...and Buffy Dies for the first time, but that hasn't been done yet but will be done eventualy.
Whats on the Page:

What's on the site:
News and Updates

Jokes and Fun Facts


So So History of BTVS

Character Information

Buffy Episode Guide Angel Episode Guide

Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Album

Buffy Videos Action Figures


This Page will always be Under Constuction. Seeing how I am always behind one way or another.

willow protects this page

Slayer Kind of LifeSlayer Kind of Life

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