The Weight of The World
The episode starts off with Glory and the minions getting ready for the cermony for the key and stuff, basicly Glory really wants to get home, but she isn't Happy for some reason. Cut back to the Gas station where they talk about Buffy in her catatonic stage. Spike tries to snap her out of it and actualy slaps her hurting himself in the process. Willow takes charge of the group. Later the group doesn't relize that Ben is Glory and Glory is Ben and cause of some spell or something and Spike has to spell it out for'em. Next we see all the guys from the psych ward working some huge construction project. They all bow as Glory and Dawn walk through. More preperations for the ceremony. Glory and Dawn talk about everything and their insides and such. Glory talks about her feelings and how she's not supose to have them. Back at Xanders Willow is gonna go into buffy to get her out of the state, While Anya watches Tara. We get into Buffy's mind and she finds Buffy well a very young Buffy probably in LA where she used to Live. Spike checks out Glory's place to find it empty. Going back to the dream world...Infact when we come back after the two talk for a bit that this is the day Joyce and no good Hank our first look at him for that matter. come home with Dawn. Buffy wants to be the baby, typical little kid things when there is a new child. Then we see Buffy put a book back and then we goto where Buffy and the first Slayer had that meeting. Xander and Giles talk at the hospital, Spike shows up. Psychward is empy. Spike lights up a cigarette cleary when we see a no smoking sign. We go back to the Glory Ben thing and Spike goes "this is gonna be worth it" as he slaps Xander in back of the head as the both go Ow almost simultanisly. Go back to Glory more preperations and stuff. Back in the dream world...saying Death is her gift having Willow baffled too. Later we see Buffy walking somewhere in the house. Back with Glory and Dawn talking about the heart and emotions and Glory doesn't like it. Back in the dream world...we see Buffy and Willow looking Joyces grave which happens to be in the house. Buffy keeps going and takes a pillow and sufficates Dawn, cause her Dream self keeps thinking she brings death. Back in the real world with Dawn and Ben, the two try to escape. Back in the dream world, we see Willow and young Buffy again. We see almost the same stuff again. Then we see Doc and Spike and Xander walk in, they come to get info. Doc is unwilling to give info. Spike thinks he's lieing, Doc attacks and does this yoshi tounge thing to Xander pushing him out of the way. They manage to get the box and Xander kills Doc, or maybe not. Back in the dream world Willow keeps trying. We see Ben and Dawn trying to escape again. Ben turns back into Glory. Glory and Ben fight with each other and transforming back and forth, Dawn tries to get away but can't. Eventualy Glory turns against Dawn and brings her back. Back in the dream world Willow tries more, Buffy says when she put that book away that she relized that she can't beat Glory...she felt that she can't. Then she felt she wanted it to happen and it's too much. She thinks if she kills Dawn it will be over. Then Willow agrees with Spike she yells at Buffy to Snap out of it. Willow tells her it's guilt and she carries the weight of the world on her shoulders and tells her she needs to go for Dawn and it's not over yet. Finnaly Buffy is back in the game, she snaps out of it and starts crying, Willow confronts her. At the shop the gang is there and getting ready. Giles reveals that she is gonna open a portal witha bloodletting only during a certin time and place, and the only way to stop it when it starts is to kill Dawn. 1