Beer Bad
Buffy deals with her past problems with Parker. A Group of Upperclassmen become friends with her and have her drown her sorrows. Bartender Xander (he's new job) becomes suspicious when her new friends return to their primitive roots. Back at The Bronze, Willow is aware of Oz's attention being turned to a new performer, the sexual and charismatic Veruca. He reconizes her from seeing her before and he slowly relizes there is a connection between themselves. Xander goes for Giles and and When the go back to Buffy's dorm...they find Buffy has turn cavewoman. At One Point Willow leaves Oz and she meets up with Parker...they talk about the whole Buffy/Parker thing. Parker tries to use his Charm on Willow...but Good ol' Will doesn't fall for it. While the other Primitave groups runks chaos on the campus and Sunnydale...they soon attack where Parker and Willow are. Xander and Giles find out about the bartender put a drug into the beer to make people turn primitive.The Primitive Buffy helps Parker and Willow but once out side Buffy reconizes Parker she bonks him. the Next day Buffy and the rest turn back to normal.