The episode stars off with Riley and Buffy slaying a vamp but a werid ocurance happenes when some demon comes along to help the vamp. The eventualy slay them and were going to tell Giles but they decided it could wait till tommorow...the two go back to Riley's and sleep together. Later on Riley's frat house is getting cold. The two are still making love. Soon some flams burst out of the Fireplace and burn some of the Initive guys. Xander in his new Job of the ice cream truck guy. Anya and him are having a argument Xander says they have to work things out and not use sex to work them out all the time. There is a party tonight at Riley's frat house the scooby gang goes. Some guy puts his hand on the wall and starts to feel werid. Buffy and Riley went upstairs to work on "A Essay". Anya is heading to the bronze and Spike tries to scare her for money. Doesn't happen. The two talk. Evntualy they goto the party Spike goes in not knowing the Inititve is underground there. He is tottaly surprised by it...Xander tries to rat him out but no one hears him. Soon there is a earthquake. Willow goes into the bathroom looking for tara cause she ran off and She finds someone drowing but he disapears and a ghost appears then leaves. Tara sences something is wrong. Spike almost joins to group to help out but then backs out. Willow,Anya,Tara and Xander go to find Giles who is the Expresso Pump....singing...and playing a guitar....yes it was really him. The goto this old lady who use to be the mother of this home which was where Riley's frat house use to be. The apperations of the kids and them being dirty not in a mud way but other way are in the house. Willow,Tara and Giles use a spell to get them our for a bit will Xander and Anya go to rescue Buffy and Riley. They get in Xander is almost drowend. Eventualy Xander and Anya make it to Riley's Rooms and Buffy Yells at him do you ever knock but then the next day Buffy and Riley find out about what happened.