Free postcard links:
sunny's postcards
garfield cards
1001 cards

Hi there,

Welcome to
Nicki's page.
If you click on the links on the left hand corner you can find out more about me.
I've also added some of my favourite sites. Most of them are really very good so feel free to take a look!
If you like you can contact me by
Why dont you tell me what you think of my site and place a message on my messageboard?
Ok, enjoy and come back again soon!
Btw, the photos on the middle of this page are made in my appartment in Rotterdam. Date: May 24th 2003. The quality isn't too outstanding since they were made with a webcam.
Links to the rest of this site:
my poems
photos 1
photos 2
More of China
Blissfully Blue
My friends
June 3rd 2002
From Russia with love
October-November '02
May 5th 2003 New!!
Lisbon June 2003 New !!
More of Lisbon New!!
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