For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believeth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life.
                                             John 3:16
Have you accepted Christ
as Savior of your life?  Did you know,
that he died for the sins of the world?  If you died right now, would you end up in
Heaven or Hell?

Dear soul there is only one way to know.

Here is a simple prayer you can pray:
"Heavenly father, I come to you as a sinner.
I am broken and need your help.
I believe that you died on the cross for my sins.  Lord, please come into my heart,
take up residence, and wash away my sins." 

If you've said this prayer and meant it...  The angels in heaven are rejoicing as you are reading this.
The next step is to find yourself a home church.  The bible tells us "... Forsake not the gathering of yourselves together."  Below you will find a link to alot of bible based churches.
Local Churches
... To local bible based churches
Well, you've found a church, but what else is there???
Now it is time to feed your soul, with some good ole'

The bible is a key part of building your faith.
Lets not forget our
Daily Bread!!!
daily devotionals to start day off with..
To Home Page
If you have taken the step to live for christ, please email or click on the
chat icon and I will stay in
continuous prayer with you...
Living for the Lord isn't an easy thing by any means, but the rewards are
well worth the struggle.  That is why
it is so improtant to stay in constant fellowship with other christians. 

There are plenty of christian clubs on-line or if you have a church, ask them for any type of new christian classes they might have.
Christian music is another important factor.... 
Here are a few links to some christian music.
Christian Music online
Music Review