Hi my name is Ivan a.k.a "JELLO" and I go to George Whashington high school.

Shout-outs to: Derrick "Pure Playa" G., Carlos " Carlitos" R., Brandon H.,Brandon J., Little Chris, Taon L., Miguel"Daddy Koko", Zach,"Big" Chris,Josue O.,Matt S., Nick S.,Brenda M.,Brenda D.,Grizelda,Enrique,Edgar O.,Edgar B., and to all the guys and girls i know at GW!!

Shout-outs to all the ballers: David R. "menace", Syrus F. " virus", Arthur, Donnaven, Eddie,Cornell "Cash" H., Nick, Timmy, justin, adre"Y2DRE, Jahmon G.,Corey D.,Rodney B., Dwight "peanut" S. and all the rest of the tight ballers at GW!!

Click On Blue Link to see pics of real fine woman!!!


Colombian model ......Sofia Vergara!!!!---------------#1 Of good Jenniferlopez................Tyra Banks And Salma Hayek

more pics of Sofia ........................................................ ....#2 of Jennifer Lopez.

more pics of Sofia ............................................. More Jennifer Lopez!!


Daisy FuentesGallery...........#1 dedicated just to salma Hayek!.....................................Super Model Natalia Paris

Daisy #2.............................Gallery #2 dedicated to salma hayek!! .........................................Natalia#2

Daisy #3..............................Salma #3..........................................................................natalia#3

Super Model Nathalia;Catherine Zeta Jones,Jennifer Lopez, And AlLey Baggat!!.................................natalia#4


pamela#1........................Catherine Zeta Jones #1............Laestia Casta..................Elizabeth Hurley Austin powers Girl

pamela#2.......................Catherine Zeta Jones #2.............Laetia#2.........................Elizabeth#2

pamela#3.........................................................................Laetia #3.......................elizabeth#3




Christina Aguilera #1..............cover girl " Nikkie Taylor"............Anna Kournikova Tennis Star.............Ali Landry #1

christina #2............................nikkie#2...nikkie#3....nikkie#4................................................................Ali #2

christina #3............................Nikkie #5


Jenny Mc Carthy#1................jennifer love hewitt#1......................Gina Gershon...........Heather Ghram " Austin Powers Babe"

jenny #2......................................................................................................................Heather#2

...................................................................................................................................Heather #3


Nikkie cox #1..................Elissa Donnovan

Basketball Pictures :

Nice Dunks

They got hopps

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This page was created by Ivan C. some pics are from my site at geocities becuase i ran out of space but all the pics will be found here at www.angelfire.com/ab2/ivansmjpage