Casey's Website!

April, 2004

{Main Page} {My Truck} {Movie Reviews} {Guest Book} {Pictures}


My DVD Collection

Welcome To My World

Like I said, welcome to my world!  If you haven't already figured it out, I'm a pretty big dork, so this site is where I can get some of the dorkiness out of my system.  Be sure to check out my movie reviews, the Top 100 thing kinda stalled out, since I pretty much lost interest.


Anyways, take a look around and I hope you enjoy your stay at the site.  Be sure to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of it.




I have decided to do away with the weekly Casey's All-Time Top 100 review.  Partly due to lack of interest on my part and also due to lack of interest in people actually reading any of them.  So in lieu of that, I present you with the full Top 100 List in all it's glory.  Click Here!



Casey's Most Anticipated Movies of 2004

These are the movies I am most looking forward to seeing this year.

Keep checking back as I update the list as time goes on.


~It's my BIRTHDAY TODAY!  Happy 23rd birthday to me!



~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings #94: Jerry Maguire (1996)



~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings #95: Superman: The Movie (1978)



~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings  #96: The Bourne Identity (2002)



~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings #97: Arachnophobia (1990)



New page:  About Me.



Two updates today!

Last Saturday, I had the privilege of going to the 2004 North American International Auto Show.  I took the digital camera with me.  Take a look at my pictures.


~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings #98: Gattaca (1997)



~New Movie Review~

Today's update brings Lock Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)



Casey's All-Time Top 100 Movie List.

The time has come.  Today brings the first in 100 installments of my top 100 movies.  I plan to post one review every Wednesday, beginning with #100 today.  And so without any further ado:

#100: Waterworld (1995)



The Bus Stop

I have no explanation for this short story other than it was late, I was hyper and couldn't sleep.  Enjoy!



New Movie Review

I finally got around to reviewing The Matrix Revolutions, so take a look

What is the Matrix?

My all-time favorite website.  Official website of The Matrix Trilogy.  Updated daily.


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"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today." - James Dean

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