Last updated November 5,2000 . Check out the AGREE opinion poll results!
Breaking news!  

The Watchdog doesn't argue with the judge, the cops, or the voters.

Geez, we can have an election every month for all I care.
"Mistakes were made"
"One citizen, one vote"
"Who did 9 voters want for Mayor?"

Eye on Govt.
Pot Pourri
It's not all work!

The Erie Watchdog has returned after a long break. We will be posting our usual commentary on Erie town affairs here. Most of the on-going stuff will be posted in the Breaking news! section.

The Watchdog's Goals:

  • Good Government in the right hands that works the way it should
    • responsive
    • open and honest
    • citizen participation is key
    • run the town democratically, The People are in charge here
  • Build an economically viable small town
    • financially responsible
    • reduce debt and operating costs
    • solid, realistic analysis and planning
    • business development compatible with local values
  • Reasonable and intelligently managed growth
    • New Urban planning and design
    • regional coordination
    • coordinated infrastructure development (schools, roads, etc.)
  • Maintain small-town feel with high quality of life
    • integrated trails system
    • open space, buffers between towns
    • rural and farm-friendly, good neighbors

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