Summary of the 1995 Town of Erie Community Survey

This survey grew out of the efforts of the Erie Development Task Force, a group of citizens, developers, and town officials which first met in January 1994. It was felt that a professional and politically unbiased survey of citizen's attitudes was necessary to guide further growth and give some direction to the upcoming Erie Comprehensive Plan, which would become the blueprint for future growth decisions.

The survey questions were approved by the Erie Board of Trustees in February 1995. Funding was provided by the board, the Denver Regional Council of Governments and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs. In June 1995 the survey was sent to all Erie post office boxes and also to residents of surrounding areas (Parkland, Brownsville, etc.)

The rest of this history will be taken directly from the survey results or the published summary.
Any editorial comments appear in italic print.


The number of responses received represents a significant proportion of the target population and a high response rate for surveys of this type. Because these survey results do not represent a statistically valid sampling of the target population, some care should be taken in interpreting the results. Respondents to uncontrolled surveys like this often tend to represent those who have strong views on the subject which may or may not represent those of the broader community. However the large number of surveys returned in this sample should help control this effect, and consequently be more representative of the broader community.