Puppy: A Webcam Perspective & Alternatives


This is a brand spankin new pic taken of me on Valentine's Day 2004. I decided it was really time to put up a newer and more current pic of myself... and I was all dressed up (for work) so I went ahead and took a quick pic and slapped it up here. Since my hair is wet it looks a lot darker and the overhead lighting really isn't flattering... I really need to find a way to light myself from a different angle. (And to think, I didn't used to care how I looked at all... I'm slowly turning into a metrosexual... but I'm gay... so does that make me a metrohomo?)

This pic was taken of me with a webcam... my first webcam experience, in 1998. The only reason I like this picture is because my hair was longer in it ( I really miss having long hair -- I cut it all off for a job interview - I didn't get the job... I was pissed.) and you can see how curly my hair really is.

The same friend that took this pic also gave me a copy of Adobe Photoshop, and I decided to play with it... here are a few variations I made of the pic.

Above: I call this one "Abstract Art Puppy" Above: I call this one "Artistic Accent Puppy"
Below: I call this one "Third Eye Puppy" Below" I call this one "Neon Green Puppy" (duh)