To The Comedy Page

This  page is dedicated to Comedy and to those who make it what it is.
This page was assembled and is maintained by me, Phil Schill.

Comedy isn't something you learn,
it's something you must perfect,
just like any other talent and if
you don't agree with than call me :-) JK
                          -Phil Schill

Visit Our new Company's webpage. Or is it?
Click here.

To all my Loyal visitors, if any, I am truley sorry to have not updated my webpage. For he past three weeks I have been trying Is it really worth my time to update this page? Does anyone visit it? They it came to me. People do visit it. Look at the counter. It's doesn't say 42375275932 for a reason. So now I am going to update is every Wed. unless I forget. So Thank you and sorry.

My Joke of the week.
April 10th - 17th

A Fake SICK NOTE. :-)

Come and see my little Autograph collection which is growing as you look.
Sorry it's taking me so long to scan in my pictures

Things I Hate List.

Links to NY Comedy Clubs, other comedy site, and etc.

This section will be dedicated to parodies which my two freidns, Patrick and Sam, and I wrote. Songs and sketches.

Click here to e-mail me.

P.S.S inc./Kiss my Ass Enterprise

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Since May 9th 1999

The Hilarious Joke Webring site is owned by Phil Schill
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