Coming May 16 to a video store near you.

Agent of Death starring Eric Roberts

If they don't have it, ask them to get it.

Agent of Death This is a MUST SEE. Eric is the star of Agent of Death and appears in the whole movie.

Basic story: Election day is approaching and the President of the United States is not doing well in the popularity polls. Elizabeth, his Chief of Staff and organizer of his re-election campaign, decides to hire a gang to stage a fake kidnapping of the President thinking that this will give him lots of free TV coverage. When one of the members of the gang doesn't show up, The Replacement, a former CIA agent, is hired to fill in. The kidnapping is staged as planned until the leader of the gang (played by Bryan Genesse) reveals that they have turned it into a real kidnapping and they have no intention of letting Eric and the President leave the building alive. For those who saw and liked Heaven's Fire, Agent of Death (original title: The Replacement) is somewhat similar but has a bigger budget, better clothes and longer cars. Another difference -- the FBI agent outside the building, who was sort of annoying in Heaven's Fire, is replaced by a much smarter and more entertaining Agent Briggs (played by Michael Madsen) in Agent of Death.

Another plus is having Steven Lambert on as stunt co-ordinator. While his work on the film Titanic probably reached a wider audiance, true fans of mayhem will remember his work on films like Total Recall, Army of Darkness and John Carpenter's Vampires. OUCH!

Agent of Death

The second half of the film showcases a variety of weapons from handguns to blow guns to a flame thrower but they definately take second place to the martial arts. Eric Roberts is looking in good shape and has shown off his martial arts skills in other films but with Bryan Genesse both playing his adversary and choreographing the fights, we have a situation where the good guy doesn't get in all the good moves. As Eric and his tux get the worst of the deal, Eric says, "There goes the deposit."

Agent of Death

A thread of humor runs through the film as, behind-the-main-action, the ditzy blond television reporter (played by Heidi Jo Markel) ducks and dodges but never lets go of her mike.

Fans will also recognize Larry Manetti playing Agent Harris and Eliza Roberts, real life wife of Eric Roberts, playing Chief of Staff Donaldson (on the left).

Agent of Death

I don't want to give anything away but, -- watch the credits.

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