In the future there are many things that I would like to do.
I would like to be a Director. It would be excellent to be able to make a film from this position - I would have huge control over how the script I was given was represented on the finished film. I think that a good film is a brilliant way of getting across an idea to people, It just takes a bit of vision on the part of the director.
I would like to be a Writer. I would either write about my life, or invent stories in my head - so what I wrote wouldn't probably be anything more than fiction. however, I am a philosophical person - so it isn’t inconceivable that I'll end up writing one something really thought provoking one day (if I have a lot of free time, and money).
I would like to continue with my Music. What I have done already is all right, but I feel that there is more that I can do. I haven't scratched the surface yet.
I would like to be more knowledgeable about Science. We know a lot about the world today - Some of us. I think it would be a good idea to educate people in what we have learnt. We have explained a lot of stuff, but people still know nothing. To me this state of affairs is just silly, scientists are very well trained (presumably) but that doesn’t make them any cleverer than everybody else. It should be possible to put what has been learnt into layman’s terms, and I would like a shot at it.
Above all, I want to be happy (if possible), and this will probably mean helping others in some way. I Think that all you really need is health and a little wealth. enough to survive. You need your family around you as well. as long as you've got all that, you'll be just fine.
Seya Buzz.
Page created by Nicholas Buzzard 17/04/99