Trick or Treat

by Slash Priestess


"Oh, God, Benny," Ray sighed. Benny was lying sprawled out on the sofa, and Ray was draped over Benny. Benny smiled up at Ray, and Ray leaned down for another kiss. Just then the doorbell rang. "Oh, God, Benny!" Ray exclaimed, and Ben laughed softly.

Ray stood up reluctantly and glanced at his watch. "It's almost 11:00! Who in the hell would still be trick or treating at this hour?" Grumbling and muttering under his breath, Ray crossed to the door and opened it.

Standing on the porch was a young man approximately Ray's size. "Trick or treat," he said in a deep voice.

"How in the hell old are you?" Ray asked.

"I'm twelve."


"Yeah, I'm dressed as my older brother. Just give me the candy, man."

"Whatever," Ray said. Taking the bowl of candy, Ray dumped the few remaining pieces into the boy's sack.   The boy turned and walked away wordlessly.

"Happy Halloween!" Ray called after him. "Drive home safely."

Ray slammed the door and locked it, then turned off the porch light.

"Ray, what if someone else comes?" asked Ben.

"If someone else comes by, I'll arrest them," Ray snapped.

Benny grinned. "All right, Ray. You know, all in all, I think this was a very successful first Halloween in our new house."

Ray groaned. "Benny, you say that every holiday. First it was a very nice Canada Day, then a very nice Independence Day..."

"Just wait until Thanksgiving," Benny grinned. He gave Ray a quick kiss. "Why don't you get things cleaned up in here? I'll be in the bedroom, waiting."

"You know, Benny, I don't need to do this tonight."

"Yes, but you need to feed Dief."

Ray swore and Benny laughed and headed into the bedroom.

As quickly as possible, Ray filled Dief's food bowl and rinsed and re-filled his water bowl, then practically sprinted into the bedroom. When he got to the door, however, he stopped short. "Benny?"

"Yes, Ray?"

"What are you doing?"

"It's my Halloween costume, Ray. Do you like it?"

"Who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm the Lone Ranger, Ray. He wore a black mask, didn't he?"

"Yeah Benny, he did. But as I recall, he wore clothes, too."

"So you don't like my costume?"

"Oh, no Benny. I like it. I like it a lot." Ray grinned hugely and crossed the room to stand in front of Ben. "So, Kemosabe, does this mean I'm Tonto?"

"No, Ray. You're Silver."

"I'm Silver?!" He was the horse? Sometimes Benny really took this Mountie thing too far. "Why am I Silver?"

"Because, Ray, The Lone Ranger never rode Tonto." Benny gave Ray a shove, and he landed on his back on the bed. Benny climbed onto the bed and knelt over Ray, smiling down at him. "Heigh ho Silver, awaayyy!"

Ray laughed. "Oh my God, Benny; what has gotten into you?"

"Well nothing yet, Ray."

Ray looked up at him and shook his head. "You were eating the candy corn before, weren't you? If this is what you're like when you've had sugar..."

Benny just smiled at him indulgently and then began to unfasten Ray's belt. Ray sat up and quickly removed his sweater and shirt, then allowed Benny to pull him to his knees and unzip his jeans. With a bit of tugging and pulling, Ray's jeans and underwear were removed and thrown to the floor.

The two men just smiled at each other for a minute. Ray was feeling very turned on by Benny's blue eyes sparkling out at him from the holes in the black mask.

Ray reached out and grabbed Ben around the waist, twisting him and tumbling them both to the mattress so that he ended up lying on top of Benny. "Who's gonna ride who?" He growled.

Benny didn't answer, just smiled happily up at him, then reached over into the drawer of the nightstand and removed the tube of lubrication. He squeezed some of the gel onto his fingertips, then applied it slowly, thoroughly and lovingly to Ray's cock.

Ray smiled as he felt himself harden under Benny's very skilled fingers. Benny seemed to be taking much longer than was strictly necessary, however, so Ray finally reached down and removed his lover's hand from his cock. "I'm ready now, Benny," he whispered.

"I'm ready too, Ray."

Ray noted with satisfaction that Benny's voice was not entirely steady, and he smiled down at him.

Benny smiled back, then rolled over onto his stomach and drew himself up onto his knees, presenting his ass to Ray.

Ray's breath caught in his throat at the sight, and he bent forward and ran his tongue slowly over first one butt cheek and then the other, then eased his tongue into the cleft between them and darted his tongue about, teasing and licking playfully.

Finally Benny could take no more and he groaned helplessly. "Please, Ray. Now."

Ray pulled back slightly. "Now what, Benny?" He lay forward, covering Benny's body with his own, and gave his lover a sharp nip on the back of the neck. "What do you want, lover?"

"You. I want you, Ray."

"You've got me, baby." Ray ran his tongue gently over the teeth marks he had left on Benny's neck.

"I want you inside of me, Ray. Now. Always. Please."

Ray smiled. "Always, Benny. Always."

Ray knelt above his lover again, running his hands slowly and lovingly down his back; pausing for just a second at the scar at Benny's spine. He ran his hands over Benny's ass cheeks, squeezing them, until Benny made a noise deep in his throat; half protest, half plea.

"Okay Benny," he whispered. He guided his cock to the opening in Benny's anus and paused for one last delicious, tortureous second. Then Ray entered his lover and began to thrust slowly and gently.

At first Benny lay still, just sighing contentedly, but as Ray began thrusting in earnest, he braced himself on his arms and began thrusting his hips backwards, matching himself to Ray's forward thrusts.

Ray lay forward, covering Benny's back. He held himself up with one hand and ran his other hand over Benny's chest, teasing and fondling his lover's nipples.

Taking a chance, Benny left himself balanced precariously on one arm, and reached out and took Ray's hand in his, guiding it down to his cock. Ray smiled and began pumping Benny's cock in time to their thrusting. Benny cried out loudly, and Ray smiled again.

The smile disappeared and a strangled groan escaped him as he felt Benny's hot seed spray across his hand. "Oh, Benny, yes," he gasped out.

A few seconds later, another wordless cry escaped Ray as he came, emptying himself into Benny. Benny's arms collapsed and they fell to the mattress; Ray rolling them onto their sides, panting heavily. Ray wrapped his arms around Benny's waist and his legs around Benny's legs, intertwining them.

They lay wordlessly for about ten minutes, then Benny got out of the bed. He returned shortly carrying a damp towel, and Ray noticed that Benny had removed his mask. Ray grinned at his own sense of disappointment.

Benny took Ray's hand and cleaned it thoroughly with the warm cloth, then Ray returned the favor, wiping down Benny's body, even those parts that didn't necessarily need it.

Benny smiled happily at him, then took the towel and tossed it onto the floor. Ray lay down with his head on Benny's chest and snuggled happily, pulling the covers up over the two of them.

"Good night Ray. Love you."

"Love you too, Benny."

They lay quietly for a few minutes, then the silence of the room was suddenly broken by the sound of Ray giggling.

"What, Ray?" Benny mumbled sleepily. "What's funny?"

"Who was that masked man? I wanted to thank him."


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