Washed Up

by Slash Priestess


Alliance legally owns these characters, and I make no claim to them by writing this story. The story is written for entertainment purposes only, and no profit will be made.

I was reading over some of my old stories recently, and I found that one scene occurred several times. And while I think the scene was entertaining, it was probably not very accurate. This is my attempt to correct that.


Ray hung his jacket in the closet with an exhausted sigh. He had wound up a big case today- an important case that was sure to bring him praise and an accommodation. But wrapping up that case had involved a long car chase and foot chase through the streets of Chicago, then hours in the interrogation room, followed by more hours of filling out reports and paperwork.

Sometimes he thought being a cop was a young man’s game, and today was definitely one of those times. If he were ten years younger he wouldn’t be feeling every muscle in his body aching, or the nagging, annoying pain in his back. He sighed again, then brightened up as Benny entered the living room.

“Ray,” Benny said, pleased. “You’re earlier than I thought you would be.”

“Let’s just say I had more than a little bit of motivation to finish typing those damn reports and get the hell out of there.”

Benny gave him a sympathetic smile. “I know how much you hate paperwork.”

“Yeah, but it was all worth it. Hanson is going away for so long that he’ll be dealing drugs from a wheelchair by the time he gets out.”

Benny wrapped his arms around Ray’s waist and gave him a kiss. “I’m so proud of you, Ray.” He frowned suddenly. “Are you all right? You feel very tense.”

“Just some after-affects,” Ray assured him. “I’m going to go take a shower.”

“All right,” Ben nodded.

Benny headed back into the kitchen and Ray walked into the bedroom and removed his suit. Resisting the urge to just drop his clothes in a pile on the floor, he hung up his suit and tie and tossed the rest of his clothes into the hamper.

He went into the bathroom and turned on the shower, then stepped under the warm stream of water and closed his eyes with a long sigh, letting himself relax for the first time all day.

His eyes snapped open as he heard the shower curtain pulled back, and a naked Benny stepped into the tub. “Would you like me to scrub your back?” Benny asked.

“Mmmm. My back, my front, my sides...” Ray wrapped his arms around Benny and pulled him under the running water.

Benny turned Ray gently around and pulled the washcloth from his hands. Soaping up the cloth, Benny ran it gently over Ray’s back, massaging as he went. “Oh, I missed a spot,” he said, and placed a gentle series of kisses across the back of Ray’s neck.

Ray shivered, then pulled away and turned around; and Benny looked at him, puzzled.

“I’ve got to rinse off,” Ray said with a wicked smile. He pulled Benny under the water again, pulling him into a kiss as he did so.

Benny returned the kiss eagerly, letting the washcloth fall to the floor of the tub. Ray teased at Benny’s lips with his tongue, and Benny opened his mouth, allowing Ray access.

Ray turned them both, pressing Benny against the cold tiles of the shower wall, and parted Benny’s legs with one knee. Benny clutched Ray tighter, moaning softly, and Ray pressed his hips into Benny’s and began thrusting against him.

Benny’s soft moans suddenly turned to a sharp cry as his feet slipped out from under him. As he started to fall he let go of Ray, making a grab for the wall and the shelf hanging on the wall of the tub.

His efforts were futile, however, and he only managed to pull the shelf off the wall and take it down with him. There was a thud and a tremendous clang and clattering as Benny, the shelf, and all the bottles of shampoo and conditioner and soaps fell to the floor of the tub.

Ray blinked a few times, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened, then he stared down at his lover, who was sitting sprawled on the floor of the tub. “Benny! Are you okay?”

Benny looked up at him dazedly, then looked around at the mess of bottles and bars of soap scattered around him, and he started to laugh.

“Benny?” Ray knelt down in front of him, starting to smile a little bit himself. “You’re okay?”

“Yes Ray,” Benny finally managed to say. “I’m fine. Nothing major or important damaged or broken. Except perhaps for my derrière.” He leaned to the side slightly and pulled out the bottle of shampoo on which he had landed and tossed it aside.

“What?” Ray exclaimed. “You bruised your ass? That’s very important to me, Benny!”

“Trust me Ray, no permanent damage done.”

“Yeah? There better not be.” Ray reached over and turned off the water, then turned back to Benny. He ran his hands gently over Benny’s head and his face, then down his arms and over his back. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked quietly. “You didn’t hit or bruise anything else?”

“No Ray, I’m fine,” Benny said.

“Good.” Ray took Benny’s face into his hands and kissed him gently, and Benny wrapped his arms around him. After a few seconds, Benny started laughing again, and broke the kiss to rest his head against Ray’s shoulder.

“What?” Ray gasped, frustrated, annoyed, and little bit amused in spite of himself.

Benny gestured around the shower. “This always goes so well on TV and in the movies, Ray. Why couldn’t we have that kind of luck?”

“Oh,” Ray grinned. “Well, Benny, it may have something to do with the fact that those people have directors and crews and studio executives to make sure everything goes smoothly.”

“Ah. Well, that wouldn’t be very feasible in our case, to say the least.”

“Yeah, can you imagine trying to fit all those people into our tiny bathroom?”

Benny laughed again, and Ray stood up, pulling Benny to his feet. “Come on, Mr. Giggles.”

He led Benny into the bedroom, then pushed him gently onto the bed. “Roll over, I want to check you out and make sure everything is okay.”

Benny smiled up at him, then slowly rolled over, and Ray knelt above him. “Hmmm, no obvious signs of bruising,” Ray said in a serious voice. “Any tenderness?”

He squeezed Benny’s ass lightly, and Benny gasped. “Does that hurt?” Ray asked, still using his clinical voice.

“On the contrary, it feels very good indeed. As a matter of fact, it may be just the medicine I need.”

Ray grinned, then shifted forward, rubbing his cock between Benny’s butt cheeks. “Take one of these and call me in the morning.”

Benny let out a gasping little laugh. “I’m cured! I’m cured!”

Ray leaned forward and kissed Benny on the back of the neck, then nibbled his earlobe. “We may not have the best luck in the shower,” he said, fumbling the nightstand drawer open with one hand and reaching for the lube and condoms, “but let’s see what we can accomplish on more familiar territory.”


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