"I think of myself as a communicator, not an entertainer.
I communicate what I'm feeling. What I'm thinking. What I believe. What I don't believe.
      I   communicate  what I think  is   funny.  What I think is sad.
 What I think is loving "
                                                                                                                                  ~Shirley MacLaine


                                           Hello everyone,

                              I had the huge luck of  "meeting" Shirley MacLaine last February
                during her visit in Germany  in order  to get her Life Achievement Award at
                              the Berlin Film Festival. It was GREAT -  she was as nice and
                                            wonderful  as anyone could imagine.
                        That special experience was so beyond anything to me that I  just had to  finally
           set up my long planned  tribute to this great  performer, actress and  writer,
                              whose work and personality inspired me in so many ways:

                                            ~ Shirley MacLaine ~
                       I'm neither a Shirley "expert" nor am I especially talented with  building
                    up homepages - this  is just my personal attempt to express my gratitude to this
                              extraordinary woman, with the hope that she would ... well -
                                                 "like" it if she ever got here :)

                            Thank you Shirley for your love, your light
                                     and ... for going out on that Limb !


           Sorry that most of the links aren't working yet ...
                    I'm right now working on them - thanks for your patience
                                   Please come back soon
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 so mail me if you like
 ~ Disclaimer ~
The photos, sounds and quotes on this site have been taken from various sources.
I do not claim to own them and I do not make any profit whatsoever, except that I'm having lots of fun