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(NaMe) A. Banderas (Pianistizzimo)
(SoUnDz GooD) Very well done, Cher! It is really very creative. Pls add more pics of you~
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
(NaMe) traVie
pz1 (WeBsItE) HTTP://nba.com
(SoUnDz GooD
) well well well it has finally arrived - - but of course it's all worth the wait - - a great site, as great as you are :)
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
(NaMe) JujuVoy the Wonderboy (LiViN') New Jersey, USA (EmAiL)jujuvoy@hotmail.com
HTTP://angelfire.com/nj2/jujuvoy/ (SoUnDz GooD) i've always admired pretty girls - and u girls are beautiful. thank u for letting me view ur crib - i really enjoyed looking at the pictures.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
(NaMe) a.k.a. Tr!XxXcY/BhabyLuV (LiViN') WeSt Side....Fr!sco baby!!! (EmAiL)cailynn9676@hotmail.com (SoUnDz GooD) heyy ...wHuZz uP gUrlly -)...coo hp..klap!! klap!! klap!!...zo waTcHu bEen uP 2 nXt huh...enIweyZ..EvEn tHough i don't noe Yah daT mUch, iT'z bEen zO nYce dAt i Met yah Qtie pIe aT cYbEr wOrLd... hOpe eVryThan' wenT smOoth En pAyce fOe yah EvryDay LypE...gUd luCk on ya sTudY en enJoy ya siNgLe lyPe, cOllEct en coLLect bUt DON"T seLeCt...hehehe...zo 'tiLL da nXt epiSodE...GottA go BounCe in HeA sO Tek dA beZ oF LuVin' Care..kEep iT rEal aiGht!..GonE fOe nOw c u aRouNd gUrL ..L8R ((HUGZ)) -)
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
(NaMe) Leo A. Merilo
(LiViN') Singapore
(SoUnDz GooD)
Thank you for the opportunity to sign your guess book. I hope we can know each other better. Nice meeting you. More power in your website....
Thursday, December 14, 2000
(NaMe) japok
(LiViN') manila
(SoUnDz GooD)
stay coooooooolllll...!
Thursday, December 14, 2000
(NaMe) Lorian
(LiViN') Other side of this monitor...
(SoUnDz GooD)
Nice and bright. I see that you are pretty creative and you like lots of colors..which is good for the eye. I'll be back. Check out our site. It hasnt been updated in a very long time since we're taking a brake.. but it will be..hopefully soon.
Tuesday, February 20, 2001
(NaMe) Junel Malabanan
(LiViN') Cavite , Philippines
(SoUnDz GooD)
cool page... hope we get to work out one together sumtym!
Wednesday, February 7, 2001
(NaMe) cindy(as far as i can remember)
(LiViN') my mommy's tummy(kidding)toronto,canada
c_i27@hotmail.com or cindy12827@asianavenue.com
(SoUnDz GooD)
yeah i got sumthin' to say..i love ur page...i miss you guyz..i'm really hoping to see u soon..i'll be back in chicago on summer so don't go anywhere else...c-yah!!!until then!! much luv, cindy
Saturday, February 3, 2001
(NaMe) Luke Pham
(LiViN') Asia
(SoUnDz GooD)
I like it, I like it, I like it!!! :) Very Cool Cheryl. Can you help me with my website?? I got some music that I recorded and need to convert to MP3 so y'all can check it out. Keep on dancing baby...! Peace Love & Evrybody kUng fU fInGTing!!!tah dah tah DaH tah Tah Dah Dah daH
Thursday, February 1, 2001