May 28, 2002: I realize that many of the newer pages are not working right now. The problem seems to be with Topcities. They sent me an email saying that since the bandwidth was too high, they would have to shut down the site until the next month. In the meantime, I can't even try moving the site somewhere else because all the HTML I had written was saved at the site, not on my hard drive. Hopefully those pages will return sometime soon and I can copy and save them and move them to a more stable server.

Some of the .wav files still don't work but I'm working on them. :)

K-PAX on Pay-Per-View

August 7, 2002- The official site for "The Life of David Gale" is now online at Not much there right now except for 2 pictures and a synopsis, but check back for updates and release information.

November 8, 2001- The Shipping News full trailer available!! Click here to view! To save, hit the right mouse key and select Save Target As. Quicktime, 9.5 MB.

August 29, 2001- Kevin is on the cover of Maxim Fashion. He has a 6 page interview with 3 full-page photos. A great find, if you can get it.

August 29, 2001- Kevin will host a TNT tribute to John Lennon. The event will take place on September 20 at Radio City Music Hall in NYC and will be aired on TNT on October 9th.

August 10, 2001- KPAX Trailer available!! Click here to view! To save, hit the right mouse key and select Save Target As. Quicktime, 10 MB.

June 28, 2001- Jack Lemmon, Kevin's mentor and long-time friend, died at the age of 76. Read the New York Times article. Kevin appeared on "Larry King Live" later that day to remember and pay tribute to this wonderful actor whom all will miss. Read the CNN transcript of that show.

New Sexy, Very Cool Photos. July 1, 2001- 32 new, 61 pictures total.

"The Shipping News" pictures. July 1, 2001- 4 new, 12 pictures total.

Miscellaneous Pictures. July 1, 2001- 10 new, 295 pictures on 8 pages total.

New "Ordinary Decent Criminal" pictures. July 1, 2001- 4 new, 32 pictures total.

New Oscar Photos. July 1, 2001- 15 new, 48 pictures total.

"Pay It Forward". August 17, 2000 17 pictures.

New SAGs, Golden Globes, and some Iceman Photos. August 12, 2000 19 pictures.

"The Big Kahuna". August 12, 2000 17 pictures.

New "Hurlyburly" Photos. August 12, 2000 9 pictures.

Events That Kevin was at. August 12, 2000 23 pictures.

Magazines and Misc. Photos. August 12, 2000 11 pictures.

My Personal Biography -Updated Feb 1, 2000. 10 pictures (but of me) These are all the other photos, from "American Beauty", magazines, award shows, THE ICEMAN COMETH, the Astro game, the older movie pix, etc.

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Other Spacey Sites

Spaceyland-The best, most complete and informative Kevin site out there. It has many pictures, videos, and sound bites.

Squirrel's Nest-A great source for hard-to-find Real Videos of Kevin. As of now many of the videos have been deleted, but keep checking there as new ones are constantly added, and it will soon have links as to where you'll be able to view the older videos.

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© March 15, 1999

Disclaimer: This site is in no way associated with either Kevin Spacey or his management. It is solely put together and run by myself. Do not email me thinking that I am Kevin Spacey or can put you in contact with him. You can contact me at the above link.

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