***RECAP: Despite the fact that he had had a little bit too much to drink, AJ got in his new car and started the engine. He laughed again, as he repeated, "She was a bitch anyway..........."***

"Didn’t we almost have it all, when love was all we had worth giving, the ride with you was worth the fall, my friend..."

The baseball game ended, and Nick made his way through the employee parking lot. Final score: Devil Rays 6, Mariners 2. "That was one hell of a game," mumbled Jim, as he and Nick walked together toward their cars, "the Rays are going all the way this year! I swear, and mark my words Nick, that we WILL see another pennant this year!"

Nick snickered and shook his head. "Ya know, Jimbo, as much as I hate your on going enthusiasm, you may just be right about this one," he said, punching Jim playfully on the shoulder. Jim snicked back at Nick. "One day, you’ll see it from my view,’re just a rookie in the’ll know what I’m talking about one of these days," he said, smiling. And with that, he got into his car and started the engine.

Nick climbed into his green Durango....his pride and joy. When all else had failed, that car had been with him through it all. It was his baby.

He started the car and immediately was flooded with the sounds of Limp Bizkit. He tapped the steering wheel to the beat, as he drove off.


"No, I don’t believe we’ve met before," Kevin answered the woman sitting beside him on the airplane, on his way back home from Lexington. He smiled painfully, trying not to start any conversation. As rude as he sounded, he wasn’t in the mood to have a long conversation with some stranger. He knew where the conversation was going, anyway.

"That’s strange," the woman mused, "I could have sworn you looked familiar."

Kevin shrugged and looked at his hands. It was a possibility he knew this girl from school (assuming she was from Lexington) but more likely it was the other option. The option that he hadn’t liked to talk about since it happened. The option which had changed his life forever.


"AJ?" asked Amanda, looking him straight in the eye, "are you all right?"

"Yeah baby, I’m fine," he answered, his eyes shifting around the café where they were sitting, "why do you ask?"

"Because you look incredibly fucked up," Amanda hissed, trying not to let the people beside them hear, "did you lie to me, AJ? Did you lie to me when you promised never to take that stuff again?!"

"Relax, baby doll, I’m not using it anymore! I swear! You know you can trust me..." he replied.

Amanda raised an eyebrow, but smiled. "I know...and I know you know I hate it when people lie to me," she said, putting her hand on top of his, smiling slyly. "You know it," he answered, bringing her hand to his lips and kissing it gently.


Howie slammed the receiver of the phone down onto the cradle. "Dammit!" he exclaimed, bringing his hand to his forehead, leaning on his elbow. Things were not going as planned. One of his models had canceled because of Mono, and two others called and said they plainly were not interested in modeling for the upcoming show. Things were falling apart.

"Where the hell am I gonna find three models in less than a week?!" he said to an empty office, the pounding in his head returning, "someone my age shouldn’t have to deal with such stress!"

Howie racked his brain for ANYONE he knew who had previous modeling experience, but couldn’t think of a single person.


Brian tapped his thumbs nervously on the steering wheel of his black Jeep. He glanced for the fifth time at his briefcase sitting on the seat beside him, nervous that he left it at home. ‘Chill out, Bri,’ he said to himself, ‘it’s gonna be okay.’

Brian was on his way to the record company’s office...the company with whom he hoped to sign with. He hadn’t slept much the night before, nervous that his brand new songs weren’t good enough for the big shot execs. He was just so thankful that Leighanne hadn’t bugged him too much to come. When he was nervous, she was just an annoying addition.

He pulled into the parking lot and made his way through the entrance of the building, up to the 24th floor. He found the room, and waited in the waiting room until the secretary told him he could go in and see Mr. Walters.

"Good morning Mr. Walters," Brian said, smiling, holding out his hand and shaking it.

"Good morning Mr. Littrell, how are you?"

"Fine, sir, and yourself?" Brian asked, not sitting down until he was invited.

"Fine," Mr. Walters replied, "please, have a seat, make yourself comfortable."

Brian sat down nervously, trying not to wring his hands together. "Well," Mr. Walters began, "I received a copy of your demo CD by courier yesterday, and I had a chance to listen to it last night."

Brian nodded, trying desperately not to show his anxiety. "And, well, the songs were quite good, I must say...." Mr. Walters trailed off.

Brian nodded again, but knew from experience that there was still more to come.







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