***RECAP: As he plopped down the couch, he let out a huge sigh. He couldn't help thinking that he had scared her away for good.***

"You tried to kiss her?!" asked Howie, staring straight at AJ, "what the hell were you thinking man?!"

AJ shrugged, as he looked helplessly at the three boys around him. They were seated in the waiting room of the hospital, but weren't allowed in because the doctors were in there with Nick. "It was an impulse," he said sadly, "I shouldn't have done it...she's probably never gonna wanna see me again."

"AJ, it's only been a day," Brian said, "maybe she really was just upset about Nick and everything...I think you'd better talk to her." AJ shrugged again, "Maybe."

At that very moment, the doctors opened up the door to Nick's room. "What's the scoop, doc?" asked Kevin, as the boys waiting anxiously for the news.

"Well," the doctor began, "the results from the cat scan aren't in yet, and neither are his blood tests....we had to send them to another hospital to do the full research....but his vital signs are improving...he seems to be gaining weight and his blood pressure is more normal."

"But we still don't know anything about his tests, right?" asked Brian, biting his fingernails. "Right," the doctor answered, "but I think everything will turn out all right."


Nick slowly opened his eyes, now aware someone was in the room with him. "Hey Lauren," he said softly, realizing she was sitting in a chair beside his bed, "what are you doing here? Where are the other guys?"

"They left about an hour ago," she answered, "I wasn't here with them though....I haven't really talked to anyone in the last day or so." She moved her chair closer to Nick. "Why not?" he asked, "is everything all right?"

"Yeah," Lauren lied, "everything's's just been hectic, that's all."

"How's my brother?" he asked, wincing as he tried to move in his bed, "I don't want him to see me in pain like this." Lauren gave Nick a sad smile and put her hand on top of his. "He's fine," she replied, "he was a little shaken up at first, but he seems to be okay....he comes to visit you when you're asleep."

Nick smiled, as tears sprung to his eyes. "Something's wrong with me, isn't there?" he asked, his expression suddenly turning sad, "please just tell me." Lauren drew in a deep breath. "Nick, you're going to be fine," she answered, her voice breaking a bit, "I mean, just look at you! You've gained so much weight since we brought you here...and you're definitely not as pale as you were look great!"

Nick shrugged and gave a half-smile. "It means a lot that you say that," he said, intertwining his fingers through hers, "I'm glad you came to visit."

Lauren stayed for ten more minutes, then had to go because visiting hours were over. "See you tomorrow," she said, right before she left, as she blew him a kiss.

When she had left, Nick smiled to himself. It was the biggest smile he had had since he was admitted to the hospital, and it was all brought on by Lauren.

Then, he remembered AJ, and how he also had a thing for her. It killed him that he couldn't do anything about it while he was in the hospital....he felt bad thinking so, but he was kinda happy that apparently Lauren wasn't hanging out with the guys as much as she used to. 'Maybe,' he thought, 'when I get outta here I'll have a chance.'


Lauren walked hesitantly through the double doors leading to the third floor waiting room. She had been in her hotel room when she had received a call from Brian, telling her that the doctor had the results to Nick's tests and if she wanted she could come down and hear them herself. This had been the first time she had talked to any of the guys besides Nick in a couple days, and she was a little nervous to see AJ again, after what had happened at his house.

"Hey Lauren," said Kevin, as she walked up to the group of guys, plus Nick's mother and father. "Hey," she said shyly, glancing nervously at AJ. He gave her a slight smile, and she returned the gesture half-heartedly.

"Well," the doctor said, walking over to the group, "we received the results from Nick's blood tests and cat scans yesterday, and it appears as though nothing is seriously wrong....he just came in contact with a bad infection which kept him from begin able to digest food in the right way and keeping it down. There was also signs of major fatigue, so we made a guess that he might have contracted Mononucleosis, but the blood tests show no signs of that whatsoever."

"So is there anything we can do?" Nick's mom asked. "Well, what he really needs, more than anything, is lots of rest. We're taking him off the IV and starting him on solid foods which hopefully he can keep down.....he's going to be able to go home tonight, but he's gonna have to take it real easy for the next couple of weeks...that means no performing and no sports of any kind....we're also putting him on an antibiotic which will hopefully clear up the infection," the doctor finished.

There was a sigh of relief from the group. The doctor told Nick's parents that they could gather his stuff so he could leave as soon as possible.

"So, how have you been Lauren?" Howie asked, as they stood waiting outside the door. Up until that point, there had been an awkward silence. "Good," she answered, as the silence continued. She didn't exchange any words with AJ.

Soon, Nick's stuff was collected and the attendants wheeled him to the exit.







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